Being a single rant

@jcphan47 I know exactly what you are going thru! I have a 2 year old son. My family nor his dad / dads family reach out. We are in the terrible 2s so doing anything with him is exhausting! I took him to the children’s play museum the other day & he kept trying to push the wheelbarrow down the stairs. When he falls asleep at night, I shower & try to watch tik toks or read but I just end up falling asleep because I’m exhausted.

I don’t wanna hijack your post with my vent lol. Bu I’m in the same boat& can completely relate! If you ever wanna vent, you can message me!
@jcphan47 I feel like this is almost my exact situation. I have a three year old and my family is all married off and living their own lives. It’s just me and her. I personally just last week got into a women’s group through the church. I didn’t know anyone going in, but knew I needed to start building some kind of friendships. I also am looking at going back to college, so at night I try to keep my mind busy by studying and preparing. My main focus right is building a life for my kid and future grandchildren. The poverty and the lack of self worth and dating shitting men ends with me. My kid and her future kids and their kids will never know these struggles, God willing. If love comes in between all of that then great. If not, then great. It is a lonely road, but being as single for as long as I have, and seeing how much I have grown as a person mentally, financially, as a mom, etc. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m just getting started.
@jcphan47 It’s so hard to find parent friends! I’ll be your friend. Do you like video games? Books? Music? Animals? Let’s connect and spend some time. (If you want. Dm me!)
@jcphan47 Single dad, son just turned 18. I kept putting off dating because i didnt want to bring anyone in my sons life and have them dip like his mother did, i had a few friends with benefits for quite a long time so it wasnt that bad, but now that he is 18 and i have time to date it seems like such a task compared to when i was younger lol maybe one day ill find a partner but im not holding my breath
@jamilton And how old are you if you don't mind me asking? You deserve happiness like anyone else but you have to go out and meet others. It won't happen without any effort. I know we just do our best to stay content but nobody deserves to feel alone unless they did something to chase people away. Unfortunately we live in a world where most are afraid to put in effort of any commitment and even friendship. At least form what I've experienced the last few years. Good luck!
@jcphan47 Been single 13 years raised 3 amazing human. It was hard for me but never felt lonely. I made sure to be surrounded my amazing friends. My friends were more of my life then my family thought I still have a good relationship with them. Don't dwell on the lonely aspect of things learn from it how to be alone and happy, learn a new craft, or maybe get into yoga. I know it's harder when kids are young but still think to do things for your self. If dating is not in the cards then also give yourself time for that also.
@jcphan47 I love being single. I love the freedom it provides.. I eat what I want when I want. I go where I want when I want. I sleep and wake whenever I want. I can play video games, watch a movie, go shopping without any interference. Having room to breath without someone’s inquiry. Enjoy life because it’s short.
@allyssandra As long as we keep ourselves busy with friends and such it's not too bad being single. I am trying, it can be hard to find good friends as well unfortunately. Glad your experience has been good!
@jcphan47 I feel this, i also had kids because I wanted to create a family, but i chose poorly twice with who i decided to have kids with. My first and Second childrens father is 4 years older than me but very childish and lazy so, I was a single mum of 2 at 22.
then met my psycho ex, and I'm now a newly single mum of 4. I'm definitely feeling all of this, I am fortunate to have friends, though they all live a bit further away from me, and I'm usually too mentally drained to catch up with anyone.

It's been 2 months since I left, and I'm struggling with so much guilt that I've given my children this life instead of a proper functional family.
@katrina2017 Don't beat yourself up. They only know of the energy you feel so just do the best you can and they will feed off mom's energy. Everything takes time and patience but I'm sure it will work out in the end.
@jcphan47 I wish I lived near u I'd be ur friend ☺️ I was a single mom for a bit but felt like a single mom thru my whole marriage bunch of stuff happened and I had to get away but still suffer with having to let him see the kids but I am doing way better since I dropped him and I am sry ur going thru this I am here if u ever need someone to talk to 🤗
@jcphan47 Yep. I get it. I've given up on dating. I'm open to just settling for hook ups honestly. Just plan on making whoever decides they want that with me understands it's strictly fwb- no romance and no chance... And if they don't like it, well I'm not stopping them from leaving to find what they need.