A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth


New member
Went to the doctor today and the medical assistant was doing a history, and he asked about prior surgeries. I reported 2 c-sections, at which point he said "much easier than giving birth, huh?"? At first I didn't even register what he said, I thought I misunderstood so I said what's easier? And he goes "it's easier to have a C-section than to give birth".

Y'all, I don't get taken aback easily but this made me speechless. I kind of "laughed" (you know the one, the "are you actually fucking serious right now" laugh) and said yea, no it's not any easier.

I cannot believe in 2024 there are MEDICAL PERSONNEL that say this kind of shit 😒

Edit: I just told my husband this thinking he would support me and he said "well it is isn't it?" Somebody better come get this man.
@vclr2010 OMG I'm so relieved you had a man tell you about his experiences with having a c-section! Thank goodness we have men to tell us how to feel about things!! Whatever would we do without them!??
@bee_brian You're so right, it was so silly of me to question his mansplaining of the process of birth and its effects on the mother! What was I even thinking
@brianhjpr Right?

When I was pregnant, I always held the view that getting a c-section was harder than laboring.

Yeah, laboring sucks. But my recovery was nothing compared to what I've seen my c-section friends experience.

Taking care of a newborn after major surgery? What sounds easy about that?
@vclr2010 I honestly wonder why certain people go into the medical field at all. Not sure if they were simply trying to make joke but it definitely wasn’t funny. Birth is hard regardless of the method.
@nivin I don't think it was a joke bc he seemed pretty sure of himself, but yea if it was it was def not funny. I can take a joke but like, I had my guts ripped out twice and I couldn't cough or laugh for a month without horrible pain and I still cannot feel the areas around my scars lol. Not exactly my idea of a fun time.

Women should honestly be worshipped for what we go through to create new human beings. That shit is messy and magical.
@vclr2010 I labored for a long time and then pushed for a long time and then ended up having a CS and the CS recovery was so awful, it's the part I remember for why I don't want to do all that again. The pain and how helpless I was to move at all for the first couple of weeks just wrecked me physically and emotionally. But sure, it was easy.

Honestly fuck that guy.

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