A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

@erilynbmore Lol so the funny thing is it was at a dermatologist's office, like why are you even commenting on my births my dude you are supposed to be asking me about my skin šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
@vclr2010 LOL what.

I am so grateful that I didn't have c-sections with my kids. I personally cannot fathom being cut open. Also the recovery from c-sections--I admire all mamas out there who have to deal with a newborn while recovering from serious surgery.
@asopala They didn't even warn me it's possible for your entrails to fall out. It didn't happen to me but I found out later and was absolutely horrified.

I still have numbness from the surgery 8 years later.

Alllll because the induction didn't work and they didn't want him in there anymore. :(
@vclr2010 I had a c-section, and it caused so much pain! I didnā€™t have any complications or infections, but one day, 3 months after having my baby, I was in so much pain that I started screaming and had to be taken to the hospital. They didnā€™t find anything wrong, but I imagine how much worse the pain would be if they did. I had off and on pain for a few years, likely due to disruption of scar tissue, but they finally went away. My son is now 16. I didnā€™t have any more pregnancies/deliveries, but I am perfectly happy with what I have.
@vclr2010 Woooow a dr said that šŸ™„. A woman overheard me in a dr office talking about my scheduled c section (i had a lot of pregnancy complications) and she looks at me and says ā€œtoo posh to push?ā€ I was so so angry I lost it at her. Who tf says and thinks major abdominal surgery is an easy way out? My c section was one of the worst and horrible painful experiences Iā€™ve ever gone through
@vclr2010 Fun fact: C Sections date back 320 BC AT LEAST. The only thing new about them, is the fact that the mother usually survives (the US has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed nation ). I've had 3 because my pelvic bone isn't big enough to give birth naturally. They were NOT the "easy" option. It's major abdominal surgery. That guy can fuck right off with his male privilege. We made people. What's HIS superpower?