7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

@happilyretired Please do it. Lol.

When I was like 28 weeks pregnant, going forward from then, I ate BK breakfast religiously. Every Friday. Then when I gained over that 20 lbs limit, I had to stop lol.

But do it. Go get that MCD girl.
@happilyretired During my first trimester, I constantly wanted hashbrowns too! Normally I have a sweet tooth, but in this case I was craving salty carbs.

I bought a bag of frozen hashbrowns from the supermarket and cooked them at home in the air fryer. Highly recommended for when the craving strikes!
@happilyretired My fetus HATES McDonald’s hasbrowns, I’ve thrown up every one I’ve eaten for 8 months 😭

They are (were) literally my favourite food, I can’t WAIT for my first hashbrowns when I get this baby out, probably on the way home from the hospital
@happilyretired I would drop off my toddler at preschool and go straight to McDonald’s for a number 1 with an extra hashbrown and unsweetened tea. I realized I was doing this daily and I would inhale it in the car ride back home. I’m postpartum now and I still frequent McDonald’s for breakfast but about 1x a week. I NEVER ate their breakfast and rarely ate from there before this last baby. They put something in their food I’m convinced. On the other hand.. this last pregnancy, I craved BAGS of broccoli. I would cook 1lb of broccoli and eat it in a bowl at night literally what the hell.. and fresh pineapple and strawberries, I would crush 1lb of strawberries or an entire pineapple EASY.
@happilyretired Every single Sunday since I’ve known I was pregnant my husband has brought me two McD’s hash browns back from his morning coffee run. I look forward to them every week and they’re one of the VERY few foods that I never developed an aversion to or felt sick after eating. I’m convinced those things are magic.
@happilyretired I’m 9+2 today, and found out at 3+1- weeks 4-6.5 all I wanted was McDonald’s ranch. 😂 had some last night for the first time in 2.5 weeks and was like “oh yeah- this is the good stuff.” 😂
@happilyretired All my doctor's appointments this pregnancy have been no later than 9:15am. After each one I have treated myself to McDonalds breakfast. Now I only have 3-4 left.
@jhonny7 This is a great idea. I have my very first ultrasound coming up and it’s in the morning. I’m nervous- but maybe having a hashbrown or two before or after will help. 🥰