7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

@happilyretired Two weeks ago I got a hash brown and a breakfast sandwich, I got teary eyed. It was SO good. I need another🙃I also downloaded the McD’s app. I’m so tempted. Husband is trying his best not to judge.
@gonzalio Oh man, that’s awful. Hopefully not an aversion to your favorites?

Weirdest thing, my sister as an individual hates mango. But pregnant? The baby loved it. She had to force it down to satisfy a craving she thought was disgusting lol
@gonzalio My aversions have been vegetables! I normally crave vegetables, and have a smoothie every morning for breakfast. Can’t handle smoothies. Only vegetables I like right now are tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts if ordered at a restaurant (can’t cook them atm). Oh and potatoes! All. The. Potatoes.
@happilyretired Boy, does that sound good. That's the kind of thing that fixed my nausea and heartburn during first trimester and it sounds like a fine treat for breakfast during week 32! Maybe I'll sneak out to a fast food joint tomorrow morning ...
@happilyretired I’m 8 weeks and last night I literally dreamt about pizza.. and in my sleepy state I was contemplating how I could get it in the middle of the night lol… so today I told my husband and we had it for lunch 😛 these cravings are strong!
@orionhunter1986 Ahhhh the dairy/carb combo cravings just keep coming! 20 weeks rn and currently on a BEC kick (could literally eat that for every meal) but before that it was Mac & cheese, and before that pizza. Oh and ice cream…always ice cream.