@semiprecious I think everything short of physical violence is the reasonable amount of mad. And if you feel like resorting to physical violence I volunteer to act as witness that the other guy took the first shot. I can barely deal with my two, but all the more power to you to be able to handle more. Don't let other people get you down, it is none of their business.
@semiprecious Hats off to you! I have twins and an 8 year old and I hate taking them anywhere. My daughter is awesome but my twins are insane.

Fuck that guy. He's a piece of shit. You're doing an amazing thing. Bless you.
@semiprecious 2 would be too many for me, so I have 1. The idea that someone else thinks they can dictate to you how many is “too many” for you is bullshit, especially when it clearly isn’t too many as they’re all doing so well. Just because that dick bag can’t imagine being able to raise 7, well, that’s his issue isn’t it?
@semiprecious If it helps... (it probably won’t, so I say if it helps)... I know a same-gender couple who have seven adopted kids and they get lots of shit for it too. You’d think that in my liberal little corner of the world, they’d be revered as the Gods of Acceptance and Love, right?

But for the most part, when their Ford Transit pulls up to Multi-Cultural Dessert Night at the elementary school, everyone’s just like “ho boy, here we go, what are they thinking adopting Devonte’s new baby sister when Shyla is only 20 months old and they just adopted her six moths ago and did you hear about BLAH BLAH BLAH.”

Chill, people. It’s not your circus! And you know what, I like the circus, so fuck that expression anyway! Good for you and good for my crazy friends who have 6.5 better-behaved children than I fucking do.

Amen. Goodnight.
@semiprecious That is ridiculous. I’ll say, I get that everyone has opinions, fine. But what was the purpose of saying that out loud, that wasn’t just to spew negativity? First of all, as long as you’re caring for your kids, it’s nobody’s business how many you have. To each their own, and it sounds like the kiddos are well cared for. I’m so happy your niece and nephew are thriving, that’s something to be very proud of.

But I’d be pissed too. Seriously, I can’t even understand why this guy said that. But from my experience, people who act like this are usually really unhappy in their own lives. Happy people don’t spend their time trying to take people down. Try not to dwell on it too long, his opinion is worthless. Just some random, likely miserable, stranger.
@semiprecious My best friend (in the world) has 6 biological kids and 1 adopted niece who she has had since birth. She gets a lot of judgement about her family choices as well. In fact the last 2 kids she had the first one she didn't tell anyone (but me) that she was expecting until after she gave birth the second (and last) she wrote out a huge book of faces status thing that basically said that yes she was pregnant and no it's none of your business. Also any congratulations were to be directed to her husband. (I already knew before this so it was just funny to me.)
I don't understand people being judgemental when it's not their business. If anything were to happen to her and her husband I get her kids so her 7 plus my 3 (and 1 to 2 more) makes 10+ and heaven help anyone who would say anything to me in my husband's presence. (I hold my own but my husband is scarier.)
You keep doing you and just ignore the idiots and haters. You got this! Hugs!
@semiprecious We have five kids and regularly take friends of theirs with us when we go hiking, or to the art museum (hooray for free day) or whatever. We don’t even have a mega-van so my car & my wife’s Pilot have to suffice.

You want a ridiculous double-standard? When I take seven kids somewhere, people treat me like I’m awesome. Like, somehow, being a dude and managing all of these kids by myself is some Herculean task. (I spend a lot of time counting heads but I’ve gotten to be pretty good at it.)

So next time someone gives you crap for having all of these kids, ask them if they would say that to a guy. And then tell them to get f*cked anyway. Keep up the good work, you’re doing fine. Having a lot of kids has been awesome for us.
@semiprecious Bit late to the ball game, but I’m the oldest of seven kids. And my mom didn’t have triplets. Every single one of us was a separate pregnancy. AND (this is the part no one seems to understand) our father is all the same man who she’s been happily married to for 30+ years. You have every right to be angry at the “your-family-is-too-big” people. They are judge-y jerks who have no understanding of a truly unconditional mother’s love that knows no maximum amount of children. My siblings and I are all loved. We are all treated as individuals. And we never, ever needed, looked at, or saw a single food stamp in our lives. I hope to have a large family of my own in a couple years here as soon as we are financially ready. You are not alone. And you are one great mom. Give all those kiddos an extra hug tonight :)
@semiprecious Honestly, you should start carrying around a small air horn in your purse/bag, so as soon as some bonehead comes up and starts wasting their breath and your time with their negativity, you can whip out the horn and just blast it. It’s unexpected, it drowns them out completely, and then when you’re done and they’re staring at you in shock you can say “NO” and saunter off with your brood toward the cereal isle.

I’m not a lawyer but I’m fairly certain this is legal lol
@semiprecious Honestly I’d probably stand right in front of the person, ignore them, and start teaching the kids about boundaries and how minding your own business is so important but apparently SOMEONE (ahem) missed that lesson in school.