I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

@cyrilmiami Scouting is a great way to get introduced to camping. My daughter is a 3rd or 4th generation scout and loves camping trips.
Most scout camping is pretty light and short until you get into the teens.
@hemispheres Awesome. I will always remember a hike in trip I did with my son (it was his 7th birthday). It was also a milestone because it was the end of the "3-7 stage" when I was still 100% his ultimate hero and just before the "8-12 stage" when the influence of the wider world becomes more interesting.

As we were walking in, he really needed to poop. Like desperately or risk an accident. I quickly dug a cat hole and he pooped in the woods like a natural born outdoorsman. We'll always remember his first poop in the woods.
She’d recently stopped letting me hold her hand, but all that went out the window as she faced the unknowns of sleeping under the stars...

Man that's heartbreaking. My kids don't have trouble holding hands still but I know they're going to break soon. Glad you guys had fun and were able to remind her she's still your baby.
@hemispheres One-on-one camping trips can be great, and same for just regular day events. It's a completely different dynamic when it's just me and one of my kids compared to having my wife and 2 kids all do something together.
@hemispheres I love camping as a vacation

Whenever regular life seems hard you can go to the woods for a bit, work extra hard, be uncomfortable, and sometimes in actual danger.

Then, you come home to the same problems you left, but they seem quaint and comfortable.
@hemispheres Your daughter will hold this in her heart all her days. Should she have children, she will give them this story as she holds them in her arms and watch the stars together.
@hemispheres Good job Dad!!! I love camping with my family. I will need to try one and one with each kid in the future. Have you added geocaching to your list of camping “to do” items?
@hemispheres That sounds like a great weekend.

My wife can have a hard time letting go. The other day we got to go solo to a play place and she had the greatest time and I in turn had an awesome time myself. Really hoping that down the road that I can do some camping trips like this.
@angelaintraining44 That's good to know! I did boyscouts as a kid and have lots of good memories. But as a girl dad I was wondering if there were options like that for my daughters. I know there's girl scouts but my niece is in it and I don't think they've done much camping or outdoor stuff.
@hemispheres 6 days? That's awesome to hear she had fun out there that long. I have three girls ranging from 6 to 12 and I've always been tentative of planning a camping trip for more than one night. We're going for our first two night stay on the beach this month and I'm super stoked. I'm hoping they don't get tired of the sun and would be willing to do a couple more nights in the future.
@d10sfan We started on the beach and then I pointed us towards the mountains. So maybe the two different vibes helped. There were absolutely some moments where she got bored, but she would never have started exploring the forest without that boredom. She read more than she ever does at home, and I packed a guitar she picked up for the first time in her life.