@blessedmomto4 Yes my user name was created when I had 8 and was expecting #9.

I’m not sure why big families upset some people. We work hard to afford them and give them a good life. People often assume we are religious which isn’t the case.
@mushy366 We are atheists with a really good income in an area with a declining population. Our little school has had to lay off teachers because of shrinking class sizes. All the assumptions are wrong.
@semiprecious Wow, fuck that guy. Based on the title I assumed you just had 6 kids from 6 pregnancies and I was going to be like “Go you! I would love to have 7 of these guys - they’re great!” Idk why people think your life choices are their business. You rock!
@semiprecious How does any sane adult stand there and say such rude, cruel things in front of innocent little children?? Never mind the fact that he doesn’t even know why you have that many children with you AND has no idea what some of these children are going through. I’m so sorry if your niece understood what he said and took it to heart, I really hope she didn’t.

You should have laughed and told him you’ve only given birth two times, the rest of these kids? You just found them in the parking lot and decided to keep them. I mean honestly, he looks at 4 girls all the same age and assumes you chose to have 7 kids? Haha, try again buddy. Nobody gets pregnant and crosses their fingers for triplets, but you love them just as much if you get them. And I assume niece doesn’t look the same as your triplets, especially given that if I recall, only two of your triplets are identical. I mean, how did he think you had that many 4-year-olds of your own? Didn’t something click in his head that obviously, this is some type of special case?

Also, I love how he magically knows you’re on food stamps. Not that it matters because I think every child should be fed, no matter the cost, but does he have x-ray vision? Can he somehow see an EBT card through your wallet, through your pocket or purse? Hmmm I didn’t think so.

Some people just need to buy the roll of duct tape they came to the store for and use it to shut themselves the fuck up, and go home. Be a bitter asshole on your own private property.

You’re a wonderful person and a wonderful mother. Keep doing you, food stamps or not. Whatever it takes to feed those babies— and that’s YOUR business. Not his or ours or anyone else’s. People will make assumptions. Keep your head held high and remember that you’re awesome. You’re an awesome mother and you’re an amazing aunt-turned-mother. You’re also a great influence for these kids, showing them what family and love truly means, to take in your niblings. Not everyone would or could do it. You’re honestly a role model!

Thank you for being you! I am 100% certain that you don’t hear that enough.
@semiprecious My dad comes from a family of 9 siblings, and it’s wonderful having the big family and all of the celebrations and love that comes with it. My best friend growing up had 7 brothers and sister, and I was so jealous. Sure, chaos at all times and the house was never “clean”, but it was the place I wanted to be because it was the most fun.

I’m personally one and done because I know what I can handle mentally and financially, but your large family is wonderful. Screw the man that automatically thinks you’re “gaming the system” by having your children. You’re superwoman in my eyes for having triplets, being pregnant, and taking in your sisters kids. The man doesn’t know anything about your life and doesn’t deserve to.
@semiprecious Not unreasonable! We have 6 biological children and raised a nephew. The comments definitely come but just know they become a minor annoyance in comparison to all the love a big family brings once you get used to/expect it. You know you're doing what's right for everyone in your house and that's all that matters.
@semiprecious Fuck that. I have 2 and will probably be adopting a 3rd soon... and I want at least 2 more, probably more. I would be so upset if someone did that to me, you have every right to be mad.
@semiprecious For all those douche bags, there are more of us who think you are ONE AMAZING WOMEN AND FAMILY!

What you are doing is so based in LOVE! It’s just beyond their tiny little brains! So don’t ever let those assholes get to you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️
@semiprecious Your ragey feelings are flawlessly sane.

If I were able to enact revenge on someone without personal consequence, that asshat would be at the top of my list. Maybe I would wear a cloak of invisibility and put icy hot on his balls. I would do that for you.
@semiprecious That is a lot of kids, but that's okay. I certainly couldn't handle that, but some can. It's no one's business especially a fucking stranger. What an ass.

I'm one of 4. My mom has 6 siblings and my grandmother was one of 14. I only have one because I couldn't have anymore after him. People are allowed to have however many kids they want.

Kudos to you for taking in your neice and nephew when you already had so much on your plate. You are a good hearted woman and wonderful mom!! That judgey guy can eat a bag of dicks.
@semiprecious People used to and sometimes still do give me looks when I’m with my 2 toddlers (not twins) because I look very young. Some people are just nosy busybodies that need to stop judging. You don’t know somebody’s story.
@semiprecious Wtf. I mean, damn, I might see you in a store and think to myself "Wow that woman is amazing to have all of those kids; I could not do it" but I would never ever say anything like that to anyone...I wouldn't even say anything at all! I really hope you said something scathing back.
@semiprecious I think you are completely justified in being angry at the haters! If it makes you feel better there is a couple in my town who have ten biological kids together. I think they have to take two cars if they want to go anywhere as a family, but they make it work and all of the kids are precious!
@semiprecious Next time I will PAY you to say “Well, I WOULD have let my siblings kids be a ward of the state, but I was afraid they’d turn out like YOU. So despite being pregnant and already having triplets I decided not to be an ass”.
@semiprecious People need to learn to keep their “opinions” to themselves. I’ve seen you post about this- think you are incredibly strong and generous! Your family is doing what needs to be done ... keep doing you!