Yes, it's possible to have a baby that has a late bedtime and wakes up late

@kitsoni Thanks for sharing this! It is really irritating when the "recommended" times don't match your lifestyle. We are night owls too - and due to covid husband is working from home for almost another year (or possibly forever - but probably just until next summer) and I am a SAHM. My 3 year old gets up 830-930 and I am trying to get the almost 9 month old there too (he wakes up too many times during the night though, so some sleep training is likely in order). Today he was up for the day at 9:20, but he did wake at 6 for a feed.
@kitsoni My first settled herself into a 10pm bedtime very early on. She considered anything earlier than that a nap and would wake up and be ready to play. Even when she dropped her 3rd nap, she resisted. She slept a perfect 12 hrs straight without sleep training, which I still think is amazing (since my second kid is the opposite). I had to move up her bedtime when she started daycare at 16 months old and that took a bit of time, but even now she will sleep in until 9am if I don’t wake her for school. She’s clearly a night owl like me.
@kitsoni This is literally my 10.5 month old’s schedule. Wakes between 9:30am-10:30am and bedtime at 10:30 pm. He’s a little night 🦉, just like his daddy. I’ve had so many moms tell me to wake him at 7 am, but as long as this schedule works for him, we’ll keep doing it.
@kitsoni My 2 year old was sleep trained at 6 months and he’s never really been an “early riser”..thank goodness. He usually does 8-8/8:30. I never let him sleep past that to preserve nap/bedtime. My 9 year old on the other hand can go to sleep at 11 and be up at dawn lol.
@kitsoni I’m in a very similar boat, my partner and I work second shift (though he’s a sahd currently) and we live on a second shift schedule. Baby goes to bed around 8:30-9:30 and wakes up around 9 most days! It works perfectly for us. Glad you’ve had success with your own schedule!
@kitsoni As I understand it, studies have suggested that whether you're a morning person or a night owl is hardwired into our brains. I know it feels like that for me. I'm pretty positive my little one is the night owl type and that's ok. Even when I was pregnant with him, I could tell he moved a ton in the evening and slept late into the morning. He's always been this way.
@cblanco I'm still pregnant, but she constantly moves from 10pm - midnight. Every. Single. Night.

Occasionally she'll give me a random kick when I wake up at 8am, but she's usually very still until about 10:30 or so.

I'm hoping she sticks to her night owl ways when she's born to two night owl parents.
@kitsoni Thank you!

I get that it's a lifestyle that works for some people but I dont know how I would function if LO went to sleep at 6/7pm and woke up at 5/6am. Like. What?!?

Even with the pandemic, I try to see my bubble of family and theres no way that we could actually spend time with them if he were to go down at 6pm. My mom isnt even done with work by then.

I used to think I was doing something wrong because LO goes to sleep later but it's not wrong, it's what works for us
@kitsoni I have an almost 2 year old and we went through all kinds of changes when it comes to sleep.

I do agree that they can sleep in, but I think also that sometimes sleep trained babies and toddlers have a problem with wakings when it's already close to morning. Maybe it confuses them that they can see daylight, so instead of going back to sleep as they should, they just wake up and are cranky the rest of the day. This was happening to us for a long time, and has only improved now closer to 2 years (presumably because he's more comfortable to be alone so he does go back to sleep).
@kitsoni Both my children are 8pm til 8am because I am not getting up at 6am any more! My friends who tell me that it’s too late are mad, if I put my children down earlier it ruins our evening much more by rushing home etc etc
@diaryofasuperchamp 8pm - 8am would be perfect. It would give me enough time in the evening to get some things done and have some 'me' time or time with my husband, but also allow me to get sufficient sleep as I woke up around 7am pre-baby anyway.

Did you do anything to "encourage" this schedule or did they naturally fall into it?
@metalchica I just don’t get my children out of bed before 7:30am at the earliest and it kind of just went that way. My daughter was an early riser and I just started treating anything before 7 like a night waking but she was 12 months by this stage. I sometimes give the baby a snooze feed.
@kitsoni I agree; I moved to a different country this year and most of the babies and kids here sleep in til 8:30/9am. And go to bed later. From my experience it takes a few days or weeks for them to adjust to the later schedule, so for a while they continue to wake early (or earlier!) despite the late bedtime, and then are grumpy and tired. But eventually they start extending their sleep to later. It definitely is affected by things like light too though, so very good blackout curtains are pretty essential
@kitsoni I was just wondering if pushing it back was worth it. Putting mine to bed at 6:30 would occasionally get me to 7:00, but I wanted it more consistent and wanted her a bit more tired at bedtime, so last night pushed her to a 7:00 bedtime. And she woke up at 5:15. 😳🙄. This gives me hope that if we keep it up, she might eventually get it and sleep in later.
@redfish2day Yes! And what worked for us was to try to shift naps a touch later. Or, just let them have a longer day like with more wake time in the day (which means you might have to add another cat nap) 😊 Good luck with your shift!
@kitsoni I hear you, mines used to wake at 5:00/5:30am every single damn day, and I kept reading that I need to put her down earlier in order for her to wake up later. F that, she just started waking up at 4:30. After months of suffering, I finally decided to put her to bed later at 8:30 (as opposed to the recommended 6:30) and voila, she now wakes up at 6:30/7am! I thought about putting her to bed even later but decided I wanted a couple hours alone with hubby rather than us sleeping in more. Good on you, thanks for posting!