Yes, it's possible to have a baby that has a late bedtime and wakes up late

@kitsoni Yup! My daughter loves sleep. She goes down between 8-9pm and wakes from 8-10am. Much better for me as I naturally stay up late also and hated when she would wake up at 7 or 6😅 She seems to like it more too and isn't as crabby. She's almost 2 and still does great sleeping through the night and taking one long nap
@kitsoni Just like society has been hijacked by morning people, baby sleep training has been dominated by morning people. My LO is Almost a year old and her, mom and I all prefer to and lean in the direction of later everything.
@kitsoni Umm please teach me! Ummm daughter was going down at 7 and waking up at 630. She’s 14 mos and transitioning from 2 to 1 naps. I am NOT a morning person and tried 730. She started getting up at 6:15! I feel I’m doing something wrong??
@kitsoni Oh how I wish this were true for us. Ngl, I am a morning person. I function best when the sun is up. BUT NOT 5:30-6 DAWG. RHE SUN AINT UP YET. I tried putting LO down at 7:50 pm once, and he just woke up EVEN EARLIER. 4:30. And he would not go back down. At least when I put him to bed at 6:30-7 he sleeps until 5:30/6.
@kitsoni Thank you for the post!

My 2 month old hates going to bed. We typically get him to sleep around 12 or 1 AM. Then we get around 6 hours of sleep. Does this sound like a problem to anyone?
@katrina2017 2 months is super young, so I wouldn't be too worried about bedtimes and such and just ride the wave. 6 hours of sleep is what some parents of 2 month olds would dream of.
They are all so different.
Mine had a bedtime of 9-11pm until he was about 3 or 4 months maybe? Then we slowly adjusted it backwards as he got older and cut naps back.
@katrina2017 You're welcome! Is he going back to sleep after waking in the morning? What do his naps look like? I think the only time that there is a problem is when he doesn't get enough sleep during a 24 hour period
@kitsoni Interesting. He’s very poor at naps. We typically have to put him in this sheet wrap thing where he is held around our body. Sorry for not using the proper terminology I’m learning this as I go! COVID makes it difficult to get physical help. That’s generally the only time he sleeps during the day.
@katrina2017 Oh so is it a boba or solly wrap? We have a structured Tula carrier that helps get baby boy to nap. We didn't get great naps till he was a bit older. Are you able to transfer him after he falls asleep?
@kitsoni Is anyone here from Spain or another country that has a later schedule? I don’t have any evidence, but I feel like they probably abide by cultural norms in places that tend to stay up later too.
@kitsoni Honestly this is how most of China lives. When we first moved to Canada our neighbor’s 6 year old was going to bed around 7pm and she made a big deal about how we were too loud starting around 7. (For the record she complained we closed doors too loudly and we couldn’t figure out how...we don’t slam them or anything). This is how I learned that my two year old brother at that time going to bed around 9pm wasn’t considered normal. Cultural difference I guess. I know of so many Chinese parents who sets bedtime around 10pm. The school day doesn’t start as early either
@kitsoni Ahh yes!! My baby sleeps from 9 pm to 8:30 am usually, and I’ve been made to feel guilty over having such a late bedtime for her. But she sleeps so well and we’re all happier this way! I couldn’t imagine putting her to bed at 6:30 pm and then having to get up at like 5. I understand how that works for families who have to get up super early, but that’s not the case with us!
@kitsoni I wish we could be on a later schedule! Our apartment setup has LO in our room still. We can't really move him out so we're still room sharing at 9 months. My husband works from home right now and sometimes has meetings at 8am, which means our day typically starts no later than 7am so we can all have breakfast together. I don't really mind getting up, but getting LO to bed by 7pm is difficult some days. It usually means I have to start dinner by 5pm.
@kitsoni Glad to another perspective on this! I feel like there is all this pressure from "the experts" to get your baby's bedtime to something like 7pm when 9:30pm-10pm just makes way more sense for my wife and I.
@kitsoni Thank you!! I felt so guilty for my son having a regular bed time of 11pm. I’ve been trying to get him to sleep earlier all week and now we both are sleeping way too late. I worked a third shift for three years and it’s so hard for me to shift my own schedule. I’ll admit that our schedule right now is ridiculous but I was fine with the 11pm bedtime, hopefully we can get back there before I loose my mind haha

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