@semiprecious Not all heroes wear capes. Not all heroes know or acknowledge they are. You're a hero to me, an amazing woman and mother. Stuff anyone who says otherwise.

You aren't unreasonably angry, you're anger is justified. What an ass.
@semiprecious If it happens again say "I just inherited half of them a few weeks ago after my sister died," and then just stare straight into their eyes until they feel a hole burning through their stupid face.
@semiprecious Fuck all of them. You have enough going on without dickbags in stores adding their opinions. Multiples are no joke and you handled three babies plus your son! And now your niece and nephew (I’m so sorry about your sister. I read your previous posts). LO on the way is being born to freaking supermom! You’re an awesome mom and an amazing person, not matter some douche says.
@semiprecious Nope. That motherfucker can eat shit for offering his dumb opinion that no one asked for. I’m sorry about your sister. The world needs more people like you and less like that jerk off.
@semiprecious I admire all you folks that have more than 2. I always wanted 5 kids and maybe if we could have afforded to have more closer to our oldest age it may have happened, although hubby only wanted one. But I am 30 with an 11.5-year-old and almost 5 year old and I'm exhausted. I'm sahm but a full time college student plus I coach. But I have friends with 4 kids that do 10x the amount of stuff I do and still go have a social life.

So to anyone having the nerve to open their mouths about your reproductive choices can go swallow a cactus. That is only pertinent to you and your spouse.
@semiprecious I’ll be honest, I definitely look at people who have several kids just because it is such an attention grabber but this was so unbelievably out of line. I can’t even fathom what was going through this man’s head. My mom is from a big family (6 kids) and her parents never had to utilize social welfare to raise them, I don’t know what that’s the first conclusion people jump to. I’m so sorry this person was being a sorry excuse for a human being, you’re doing such a great thing. Thank goodness your niece and nephew have you.
@semiprecious I’ve been following along and was wondering how things were going. I have to say when you said your niece was flourishing I got teary eyed. It makes me so happy to read how well they’re doing with you. I look forward to future updates about your family, y’all have been on my mind :)
@semiprecious My dad is the youngest of 13. DH has six siblings if you count steps, which he does...if I’d started younger and health and finances permitted I’d have five or six kids gladly.

Anyone who makes judgy comments about how many (or few, or none) kids you have is trash.
@renewed24 Is that where your username comes from?

Honestly when I see women with that many kids, I'm just amazed. It's like seeing a real-life superhero. My previous next door neighbor had 4 and she would be out there doing yard work with babies strapped to her like some kind of neo-pagan goddess. I have to wonder if the people who get shitty about it just feel guilty for not having the skills to handle that many little people.