What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

@ebveloz Anecdotal but my friends daughter who is three wasn’t sleep trained because my friend “didn’t believe in it”. This kid is a horrible sleeper. She now wants her to sleep in her own room and it’s a disaster. So they bed share often just to get any sleep what so ever.
@misterp I’m sure it’s a lot of things not done correctly. But she’s also the only “non sleep trained” child I know so some of that stems from that I’m sure, like not being able to fall asleep without a parent present.
@ebveloz I didn’t sleep train my baby. And I won’t be sleep training my next one either. Cry it out is just plain wrong. He fell asleep in my arms for all his naps and bedtimes. I breastfed until he was 9 months and he still continued falling asleep in my arms. When he was asleep I put him in the crib turned the monitor on and left him in his crib in his own room. He’s been sleeping through the night consistently since about one year. At this point he’s too big for my nap and after books he lays in his crib and I sit near him until he falls asleep, it takes about 15 minutes. You do not have to sleep train to have a baby that’s a good sleeper. There is an entire industry out there that profits for you believing that you need to sleep train. You are waaay better off educating yourself about what your baby’s sleep needs are and what is developmentally normal for them at each stage of their infancy and then adjusting your expectations accordingly.