I “make too much” to qualify for state assistance but too poor to afford food/bills?

@johnd1987 Perhaps you should ask you job if you can work less hours for two weeks and then reapply. Yes some say it’s scamming the system but you have to do what you have to do.

If you want to write out your budget perhaps we can help you figure out exactly where you can cut costs.

Check the limits for the child care subsidy again. I know the ones in Maine changed recently. And take that man to court for child support!!!!!! Restraining order or not, you need that money.
@godson4life2010 I’ll see about the working less part. And honestly it’s not even worth filing for child support. He has 3 other children with 2 other women he doesn’t even pay child support for. Once the child support starts getting taken from his checks, he quits his job and gets another one so it takes awhile for the system to find him again and put him back on child support. He is a POS hence why I’m not with him anymore lol
@johnd1987 Please file for child support! Get a court order even if he doesn't pay it!! You never know what the future holds & you may end up getting some of the money. I know I only had to pay 25$ to get court ordered child support for my children. The form for this service is online. dss.gov website
@marinil If I file child support won’t that give him rights to my son once the restraining order is up? I don’t want him having any contact with me or my son. He is mentally unstable and is abusive
@johnd1987 I’m in a different state so check with your local women’s shelter to confirm but as far as I’m aware child support and custody or two completely separate issues in the eyes of the court. It’s all about the best interests of the child.

My ex came out of hiding to demand his money’s worth when I filed for support. He was giving two hours of supervised visitation at my convenience. He only took advantage of that twice. He resurfaces occasionally but nothing much comes of it. I don’t ever have to talk to him directly. All communication is on a court monitored website and a parenting coordinator manages the few visits that do happen.

Your local women’s shelter can be a good resource for other streams of help - free counseling, info on food banks, childcare subsidies, usually free legal consults etc.

It does get better, but it will be hard for a few years. Keep your chin up and keep plugging away. Love to you.
@guje Nope I actually applied as a boarder so they didn’t include anyone else’s income in the home. Just mine and I still didn’t qualify....

And it’s technically not her it’s the own of the home he charges $600.. the mortgage is 1,800 or something like that and me, my mom, and another roommate pay our portion and the owner of the home pays all the utilities like electric and stuff.
@godson4life2010 Or Ting. I pay $100/month for my phone and my 17 year olds. It is quite a bit less with just one phone. You do have to own your phone though. I have a 6 year old Moto G Android. It's not snazzy like the newer phones, but it gets the job done.
@heartguy I was on wic when my son was younger and they ended up booting me off of it because I had to reschedule my appointment one day and every time I’ve tried to reach out to them they literally never answer the phone. I have to try to contact them again
@johnd1987 That’s awful, I’m sorry. They should be actively reaching out to you and at the very least answering. Yeah I would stay on them, it might not be a lot but it’s something..
@johnd1987 Definitely go get your WIC. No reason why you shouldn't take advantage of it! How is your Mom? Is there anyway she will lower your rent to allow you to save money each month? Also, does your son qualify for Medicaid?
@johnd1987 I'm in the exact same situation as you. I'm a solo parent, work 2 jobs and am barely scraping by. Assistance is out of the question for me as well, because I "make too much." Daycare costs kill me. But I have to work. Govt taxes the shit out of me and kills me. But I have to work. My car payment sucks. But I have to be able to get to and from work. I'm sorry you're going through this, but you're not alone. Stay strong, momma.
@johnd1987 Maybe finding cheaper childcare? Buying a cheap car for a grand or two so you don’t have that big car payment. Maybe finding a cheaper place to live? Those are some things I would look into.