I “make too much” to qualify for state assistance but too poor to afford food/bills?

@johnd1987 Would your mother be able to watch your child a day or two a week? Or someone else you know? Maybe getting on some local mom groups on fb and seeing if they have any ideas on the cheapest available. Maybe someone is even willing to do a day or two for cheap which could bring down the cost of your current care. I would exhaust all resources
@vince07713 She was watching my son for a little bit when he was a newborn but unfortunately she had to go back to work full time. She works from 5am-5:30 pm and I typically work from 11-7:30 pm. All my friends work full time and have kids of their own. I honestly can’t trust a stranger to watch my child especially after the domestic abuse we suffered with his father.
@johnd1987 It will get better, but there's no telling when. Just remember that getting up and going to work everyday and doing all the stuff that you have to do is hard, but you are doing it. Vent, vent, vent and take as many deep breaths as you can. I'm older now and my kids are teenagers, but I still remember how hard the first year was. You and your kid are alive and have a roof over your head. You're doing it.
@johnd1987 Have you tried : https://www.benefits.gov ?

There’s all sorts of benefits out there you may not know about.

I feel your pain though - I have a 4yo on my own with very very little to zero help from her father. I have a “good” career and it’s still hard sometimes to make ends meet.
@johnd1987 I’m not a single mother anymore but my husband is a stay at home parent to our son. I make on dollar above minimum wage, but even when I was making min wage I was also told that I make too much to qualify for assistance. I understand how hard it is to make it by, and also the physical and mental exhaustion, as well as the pain of spending so much time away from your son. I don’t really have any advice for you, I guess I just wanted to say that you’re not alone in any way shape, or form. You will get through this and things will be hard for awhile. But you’re strong enough to make it through. I hope things start to look up for you and and your boy soon.
People might say I am living above my means but I’m honestly not. I rarely buy anything for myself. All my money goes to bills, food, and stuff for my son.
@johnd1987 Dhhs isnt worth it. I'm on it and wish i had never had anything to do with them. You're better off working or going to school or both. State assistance is a scam and designed to keep you dependent on them. Its communism with nice sounding labels. Sorry but thats reality. I'm on social security too. I'm getting off and never looking back asap.