@ebveloz 19 MO - we did not sleep train, and I’ve always nursed to sleep for every nap and bedtime. I still nurse to sleep most nights. He’s been sleeping through the night since about 12 months (with some ups and downs for teething and illness). I usually always fed back to sleep when he would wake up at night.. we never had more than 2-3 wake ups per night though even in the early days.
While I’ve done most bedtimes, dad still could put him to sleep when needed and respond at night, although it would take a bit longer. Around 17 months, my husband started to be able to tell him goodnight, lay him down awake and walk out, and he would stay calm and fall asleep on his own.
He’s also been in daycare since 8 MO and never had any issues falling asleep there. They used to rub his back but I think now he just goes to sleep on his nap mat when they say it’s time. Falls asleep well for grandparents too.
All this to say- I did create a parent sleep association. I don’t think I could just lay him down as his many other caregivers can. But, in my experience, it didn’t create all the issues that are often described. He learned to connect sleep cycles on his own, fall asleep independently in many environments, takes lengthy naps, and sleeps through the night. My take is that good sleepers might just be good sleepers regardless of sleep training or not.