What are your "do it all" life hacks?

@holyspiritleads2truth I don’t really know if we have hacks yet… we just barely started getting into some kind of groove with 8 month old.

If I have a hack, it’s trusting my hubby that important shit will get done and not stressing if it’s not my way or if it’s just not done.

We kind of got into splitting by morning/ evening. I have morning and I play with baby and entertain him until hubby gets everything together and heads to daycare. He has evenings to bedtime and I do all the dinner stuff. I get night wake-ups, because I also have boobs. He gets all the driving (daycare, appointments, etc), because I work from home and it makes no sense for me to leave and come back.

This groove has lasted maybe a week… so we’ll see how that keeps going. Lol.

It’s been a good bit easier since he started moving around on his own. At first he just ran after me and screamed, but that didn’t last. Now he chills on his own and follows the dogs or dad as well. That really improved things for us.
@holyspiritleads2truth Do your all, not someone else’s.

We all have something that bugs us more than anything else or that we prioritize most. Lean into it. For me it’s food. Cooking is more important to me than vacuuming or anything else. If you can only pick one thing, pick the thing that brings you the most reward.

Also, when it comes time to do the things that must be done but aren’t as pressing, pick one at a time. Tonight I picked toy pick up.

Also, the basket strategy is great if you hate clutter. Chuck it all in a basket to be dealt with….later. For me that later varies. But the instant mind clearing power of no clutter is great.
@holyspiritleads2truth Once a month housekeeper. I only do grocery pickup, keeps me on budget and it’s easy. I meal plan Friday, fill out and pickup the order Saturday, and meal prep Saturday/Sunday. If it’s a dish I know we all like I double it and freeze half. I work from home two days a week too, so I’ll cook then too. Also, the 20 minute clean, I set a timer, pop in my headphones and spend 20 minutes cleaning something every day, I’m always surprised at how much I get done. I can’t do it all, and my husband is wonderful and helpful generally, but if I am feeling anxious about a task not getting done I am sure to tell him and he does what he can to help. We also have a clear division of labor related to household tasks, helps things feel equitable, and most things get done most of the time.
@holyspiritleads2truth Outsourcing what you can. I currently outsource meal prep for dinners and landscaping. Waiting to see how taxes pan out this year and then hoping to have some money in the budget for a once or twice a month house cleaner.
@holyspiritleads2truth I precook veggie side dishes so they just have to be microwaved.

The slowcooker is our best friend. When I get home, I just have to make rice or noodles, pop veggies in the microwave and bam! Dinner is done.

We have a washer with a delay end function. So I put a load of laundry in in the morning, I set it to end about a half hour before I get home. When I walk in the door, I go straight downstairs and move it to the dryer. Fold after supper. We are slowly getting kiddo involved in laundry, so folding is an all hands on deck activity.

Toy rotation was a game changer. WAY less toys to clean up multiple times a day. Added benefit is that munchkin plays more creatively with what is available.

We are a crafty house, so every couple weeks I prep craft activities with all the pieces needed and a small instruction sheet. So if we are making felt elephants, I have all the pieces cut out, googly eyes and a picture to remind me how it gets assembled in a ziplock bag. They sit in a bucket with scissors and glue on our dining room table.