Working Mom Life Hacks?

@quedee Some kind of chicken thigh casserole put on in mid afternoon if you're wfh. Brown some thighs, take them out, brown onion, then garlic, then add herbs or whatever, tomato paste? Curry paste? Put the chicken back in, bung it in the oven. Serve with rice or pasta.

Tonight we're having chicken paprikash, these are others good options:

Can also do short ribs, chilli, chicken tinga.

Oven beats slow cooker imo.

Edit: Also we often make triple batches, of food so we have left overs for lunches, and some to go in the freezer. I saw someone mention being on day 3 of shepherds pie on reddit the other day and I'm like, why? Freeze that shit!
@quedee I try to stay as organized as possible. It’s something I like to do lol to find and create a spot for something. I’ve learned that cleaning takes much less time if things are organized within reason. I also go through my son’s clothes and make sure everything is organized by size and only have the size he is wearing in his drawers. Mostly because the drawers are small and don’t fit a lot of clothes.
@quedee We've been using Dream Dinners for over 10 years, it's amazing! It's a meal prep service. Before the pandemic, you'd come in once a month to assemble your own dinners, now they make them for you. You keep a month's worth in the freezer, thaw a couple per week, and the cooking is SUPER simple, usually "cook this in a skillet, add this bag of pre-diced veggies," that level of challenge.

I don't have to brainstorm what to have for dinner, it cuts my grocery shopping way down, and I don't have to cook-- my husband has decided he LOVES cooking dinner when it's prepped, so he uses that as his way to unwind after work.

The meals are a lot more family-friendly than Blue Apron and whatnot. I feel like those have pretty fancy meals, and we're definitely a chicken nuggets and grilled cheese family! So we get things like meatloaf, pork chops, chicken breasts with veggies, sliders, stuff like that.