Pro-Birth v Pro-Life

@lmrsandmanl My mother put all her children including me in foster care in our tweens. I aged out but my sister was adopted thru catholic charities bc the family that wanted her was sponsored thru the church. When I turned 21 I adopted my own brother out of foster care. So.. yes. Yes. I know quite a lot about it.

Meant to reply here. Sorry
@ryandog It’s a girl I lived in foster care with for three years, so basically my system sister. We are very close but I’ve told her multiple times I can’t stand for her taking away a life she continues to create and partake in making. We haven’t spoke since she asked ME to drive her to her last abortion. I took her, and drove her home afterwards, because even if I don’t agree with it, I don’t want her doing some stupid google abortion and messing up the baby and herself.
@lmrsandmanl That’s not the question???? The question is 6 abortions vs 6 unwanted children being born to a mother who (presumably) cannot give her kids the life and attention and love they deserve—what do you think is the better choice?
@robertwigfid I think giving the child a chance to have a life is the better option for sure. Instead of ending a life because of your own selfishness. Especially when you have people in your life who are willing to take the child in and help you.
@lmrsandmanl You said “the child” but I think you might have meant “the children”, since were talking about 6 babies….and while I understand the inherent value of any human life, I think my greatest issue with your statement is the use of the word “chance”. Of course, there is a chance that all 6 kids grow up to be successful wonderful human beings. But the more likely “chance” is that they would endure needless suffering due to lack of financial support, emotional support, and stability. Sure a family member might be willing to support one child, but 6? Seems unlikely to me.

I understand your frustration towards this woman who appears to be reckless. I understand that to some people 6 abortions seems awful and horrible and horrendous. Im not over here hoping she gets a dozen more. But abortion access is her right. And the women whose contraception fails, who aren’t financially ready, who were raped, whose pregnancies aren’t viable, who want to break the cycle of poverty, etc deserve the access to abortion just the same as her.
@robertwigfid Well here’s the thing. You can only have one baby in a year. So… the other five, wouldn’t have been in existence had she kept the first. So no. I meant the child. I don’t think she’d be so careless after the first labor experience.
@lmrsandmanl Well.. here’s the other thing. As you previously stated.. you came out of the foster care system. I did too. So did your friend. Some mother didn’t want you, abused you or couldn’t take care of you and some mother did the same thing to her. I think it’s great you’ve turned your life around and want more children but I also have unique respect for women who know their lives are fucked and they havent been able to fix the damage yet so they decide to not fuck up any more people. That’s not to say she should be using abortion as a form of birth control.. but I do think she at least seems to grasp the concept that she wouldn’t be a good mom and isn’t perpetuating a fantasy that 9 months gestation will magically change that. As her “system sister” you should be able to see thru the Bs line about “ruining her body” and understand she already thinks it’s ruined from the inside out.
@katrina2017 I had 3 kids at 20. I wasn't ALLOWED to get my tubes tied because I was to young. Had I been married it would have been ok. But I wasn't(thank God)
So I wasn't able to. They kept saying "your so young you never know what will happen in life!" I knew I already had 3 kids no matter what would happen!
@lmrsandmanl That poor child. Born to be a punishment to their mother for daring to have sex. I'm sure she'll give that child the nurturing environment to become a healthy adult, right? WHO doesnt want to be born as an unwanted pregnancy by a mother who had them because their reason wasn't good enough for others.
@lmrsandmanl You are pro choice, as you support abortion after rape, incest and in cases of congenital abnormality and maternal safety. You also say you drove your aquaintence to/from an abortion because you didn't want her to botch a self done abortion.

You do realise that in some states ALL of the types of abortion you support will be illegal? Even a 12 year old who has been raped by a family member.

You also, I hope, realise that many, many women will turn to unsafe and unregulated abortion because making it illegal does not stop abortion... So yes, you are totally Pro-choice hun.
@caitlin111 I just think we should be doing more before it gets to that point, making sure that people are properly educated and not ever encouraged, and that something needs to be done about people repeatedly going in for abortions. They aren’t candy pills, they take a life, and are also not 100% safe and definitely aren’t safe enough to be doing every two damn months. I get labor is dangerous (coming from someone who was overdosed with anesthesia during her child’s birth, and her and her child both died and were gone for 10-15 mins) but abortions are 100% safe either, and shouldn’t be viewed as a wonderful walk in the park. I wish there was an in between. I have my exceptions for when I personally believe it’s okay, but until adequate education and materials are available for everyone, I don’t think they should be illegal. Just shouldn’t be able to get one every single month or so because I believe life starts at conception and I do believe it’s taking a life regardless of your reason, but sometimes death is justifiable. So we should come up with a “pro choice with limits” term, because I’m not prolife so hard I can’t see how anyone could ever and no one ever should,but I’m not prochoice and believe everyone should be able to just mess around and please get pregnant without intent to keep the child, because we have a billion dollar industry fix for you!
@lmrsandmanl I mean sure, it shouldn't be used as birth control but if someone's irresponsible enough to not take precautions to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, they are probably not responsible enough to be a parent. Sure they could give it up for adoption but they'd still have to take care of theirselves during pregnancy, but why would they if they didn't want to be pregnant in the first place.

Irresponsible people don't need to be parents.

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