What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

@thesaltoftheearth I feel like any time someone gushes over the one boy excessively and chooses to ignore the other, just take the sandy baby and tell him how amazing he is. If they're like "omg look at those blue eyes!" Look at your other boy and be like "you have the most miraculous hazel eyes my sweet boy! And you're both so bright and smart so it really doesn't matter what you look like!" While you stare the adult dead in the eyes.

I guarantee it will make them super uncomfortable realizing that they're 1. Focused solely on a child's appearance and jfc we need to stop doing that and 2. Completely disregarding the child's brother, who is equally as beautiful and worthy, just different.

I'm sorry people suck ❤️ you're doing a great job!
@mercy1 Thanks man. People can be so thoughtless hey. The twins are 2 and I have an older son who is 5. Well he could be invisible for all people notice him. It's all about the twins. I am intentional about saying "and here is big brother. He's doing such a good job helping me etc..." I like your suggestion of calling out the adults on it though. Watch them squirm 😂
@thesaltoftheearth Omg I can't imagine how your five yo must feel! I only have my twins and they're identical, so I just get the same obnoxious stuff constantly lol, but good for you for being so conscious of him. Make those grown ass people aware of their behavior! Especially with a kiddo who can understand it. ❤️

It's good he's older though, that way in school his teachers aren't constantly "oh so you're [twins'] brother?" which gives you no autonomy in school. I was always my older brother's shadow which always made me a disappointment to my teachers 🤣😏
@liztip Honestly, I’ve had so many tell me that they wished they had twins that it’s nice to have someone actually recognize how difficult it can be.
@liztip We had a nurse who had similar comments the day we found out it was twins (8 week ultrasound)... "Oh God didn't give me twins because there's no way I could handle it." Ma'am -.- A) Don't talk about religion to patients. B) You don't know me or my husband? Maybe we can't either? C) We JUST found out and are in shock. Your comments are the opposite of helpful.

She made other comments but I can't remember what they were. My husband and I were like, "Is this via serious?!"
@eaglerider When the doctor found my twins in ultrasound, her immediate response was an obviously heartfelt "Oh no!" Mind you, I had already lost one baby shortly after birth to anatomical defects, so I immediately thought there was something wrong with the baby, not that I was having twins. I don't think that will ever not upset me.