What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

@nathann I hate it when people argue that you can have super twins where they are otherwise identical except for the sex chromosome but they don’t seem to realize that completely negates the meaning of identical!! Plus it’s extremely rare
@tnlady1 I have identical boys and people often ask first if they're id/frat AND THEN if they're two boys/girls or b/g and I'm like...

My dude..

I th... I thought I just... 🧐 Coulda *sworn" I just told you they're identical.. so, not one of each... Obviously?

Still somehow not the dumbest shit I get though.
@nathann I don't want to say dumb, but certainly one I won't forget:

A lady saw me (dad) carrying our infant twins in a carrier on my chest, commented "how cute," and then came up to me 10 minutes later to ask if they were both babies and, if so, if they were twins. Apparently she thought one of them was a stuffed animal, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around, particularly since, so far at least, the girls have thankfully not inherited my prolific body hair.
@katrina2017 Haha! That’s awesome.

As a twin dad myself I always thought it odd and my wife hated it when I would take the girls out on my own and people would non stop comment how I was such a great dad. My wife would take them out and never get comments. It was expected as a woman to just be the mom. She also always had exhausted RBF. I’m more of a people person. 😂
@nathann The double standard is so annoying. On the same day as the stuffed animal lady, a guy made a "where's mom" comment while I was waiting for a food order. My dude, she's over there chasing around our sugared up toddler who is outside playing in the snow for the first time this season while all I have to do is stand here with strapped in and napping!
@canrj9 When people see dad with kids: omgeeeee how wonderful! What a good dad!!!

When people see mom with kids: ugh how DARE she have the AUDACITY to have children and then bring them out for the public to deal with!!
@nikki_virginia Mom with twins in public: They’re crying. She can’t handle her children. You see how she’s dressed?

Dad with twins in public: They’re crying. Look at that great dad. He’s giving his wife a break and taking two babies out. I should congratulate him.
@airel It's the Weego twin carrier. I like it, in that it's the only structured one I found for twins that could be used before six months. It can only hold up to a combined weight of 35 lbs, so it's not a long term carrier, but good to use before they have neck control. Can be used from 4 lbs up, which was perfect for our preemies. I very much prefer my Omni 360 that I used with their older brother if I can get away with only carrying one, but it's a life saver when I have them both.
@nathann Not answering the question but the comment about the “prettier one”…. Everyone wants to compare them don’t they. Who is the naughtier one, the needier one, the loudest one, the smilier one, the cuddlier one etc. Jesus it changes all the time just leave them alone!!!!!! (“Who is the prettiest” might be particularly disgusting though.)
@houston84 He also followed up that question by asking her what 5+5 was. She literally just turned three. We switched to a different doctor on staff. Schenk, she told us that he’s a very good doctor, but has bad bedside manner. I would have to agree.
@houston84 Our problem is we have di di boys. One is blonde with the most incredible blue eyes. The other is plainer looking with more sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. It guts me every time when people fuss over our blondie about how gorgeous his eyes are and how he's going to "get all the girls" and that he's our surfer boy etc and say nothing about the other one. My plainer looking boy has such gentle features and is so affectionate and sweet. I don't want him to be compared to the other. Talk about planting seeds of future complexes and issues.
@thesaltoftheearth Oh that makes me so sad.

My eldest has insane eyes (think Elizabeth Taylor and double lashes).

I taught her from a very young age to respond when someone comments about her eyes a phrase in our language (not English) that translates to “my beauty is my inner beauty”

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