Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

@joshua371 I’m learning people either put it off and let it consume them for hours at a time (me) or are literally doing laundry things every single day. Which also might kill me.
@ava1453 I do the adult and kid clothes separate. Otherwise it makes the folding 10000x harder, and that’s the part I hate. Plus our bedroom is on a different floor so I can just deal with our clothes up there.

Also I don’t fold the kids clothes. Just shove them in a drawer. In usually fold ours at night while watching tv so the toddler doesn’t mess them up.
@ava1453 We have 3 dirty laundry hampers (dark colors, one in each bedroom) and 2 clean laundry baskets (these live in the laundry room). I wash 1 hamper at a time: dump into washer then straight back to its room. When it comes out of the dryer, it goes into a white basket to be folded. I usually fold on the couch, which is far enough way from the kids but still inconvenient enough to get it done quick.

I only like to do laundry on weekends (holdover from when I was working). Some days, I get everything done all at once, and sometimes it’s just 1 load a day. Anything I find on the floor throughout the week gets stuck straight into the washing machine to be washed with whatever hamper gets dumped in.
@ava1453 Literally same to everything. We all live out of laundry baskets. Besides my husband who does his own. I have a 2.5 year old and an 11 month old. Can’t fold or put it away with them around. And I’m not able (nor do I want to) spend each nap time tk dedicate to it or that’s all I’d do.
@ava1453 We have laundry on the same floor as our bedrooms / bathrooms so whenever something is dirty I Chuck it in the washing machine. When it’s full I run it. Then i dry and fold it immediately put it away and I can keep my laundry to about every other day. Obviously some exceptions ( blankets sheets once a week ) but it’s manageable. The load is everyone’s laundry and I just put it away as I fold it . Easy

I don’t even put the clean laundry in a basket, I put it right in my bed and I’m forced to deal with it . Baskets lead to pile ups
@ava1453 I’ll admit once or twice I’ve done the ultimate walk of shame and had to shove all the clean unfolded laundry off the bed at bedtime because I just could. Not. Deal. 😂😂 but only once our twice out of a hundred so not bad
@ava1453 I've been awful about it since becoming pregnant, but:
  1. Pick a day to wash all of it. Usually Sunday, but it varies.
  2. Collect all the random piles our 2yo has accumulated through the house, add them to the basket of dirty clothes, then dump it all in the washer.
  3. After being washed and dried, put it into a clean basket. Continue step 2 until that basket is full, then continue with another clean basket if needed.
  4. Bring it all into the living room at once. Let 2yo help pull out her clothes and put them into a small basket. Fold/sort the rest into their respective piles. Put my piles in clean basket #1. Put husband's piles in clean basket #2. Put away household items (towels, bedding, whatever) and set 2yos basket in her closet to be dealt with later.
  5. Move clean baskets back to our bedroom, put them away. One turns into a dirty basket and the other is set on top of the drier for clean loads.
It... mostly works? As long as I don't forget I'm doing laundry.
@ava1453 I don’t really have a set routine, but we’re pretty strict on putting dirty clothes in the hampers though. I have one for my husband and me, one for the kids, and a third one for towels. I typically do all of the sheets together but definitely not as frequently as I should. Once a hamper is full we’ll do that load.

My kids are 2yo and 3yo and are happy to “help.” They push the buttons/turn the knobs on the machines and help me to load them. I’ll fold the loads while they are occupied with crafts. Or that’s a task I’ll delegate to my husband because I don’t really do chores besides a quick tidying after the kids are in bed. We fold the clothes in the laundry room and place them into the basket to be carried upstairs. I’ll normally put them away the next day in the morning while the kids play and we’re getting ready for the day. So one load is typically a two to three day task.
@ava1453 I have a family of 8. I invested in some stackable bins and have the kids put their own clothes away. I fold the clothes as they come out of the dryer into these bins. All the bins are labeled so every kid knows which one is theirs. I put one large load in every morning after the kids leave for school.
@ava1453 My routine for 2 adults, 2 toddlers (2y/os):

I do a daily load of laundry that has everyone’s clothes. I put all the dirty clothes in the washer at some point either during the morning or around lunch time.

I try my best to get it into the dryer when it finishes but sometimes it sits for a bit. If I happen to forget to put the washed clothes in the dryer then I transfer it to the dryer during my nightly shower routine (this happens after my twins are asleep for the night).

After I shower I usually put a show on my laptop or get some good music and put all of mine and my husbands clothes directly back to the closet/drawer they belong. My toddlers clothes go into a separate basket and I put them away at some point the next day.

Putting my toddlers clothes away is easily the most difficult part of the process because they won’t let me open their closet without making a total mess. I usually do it when they’re still in their cribs waking up or in their high chairs having a snack (our kitchen is right outside their bedroom).

All towels and rags and stuff I do in a separate load when it piles up.
@ava1453 carry overloaded laundry basket precariously down two flights of stairs

take last night's wet clothes out of washer

discover wet clothes in dryer and leave basket of wet washer clothes on the floor

bring dry clothes upstairs to fold

watch TV, stuff unfolded clothes into basket to deal with tomorrow
@ava1453 I don't bother folding my toddlers clothes, she's gonna pull them out of the drawers anyway and if I don't fold she'll actually put stuff in specific drawers if I give her a stack. Saves me an insane amount of time and none of it wrinkles anyway
@ava1453 So, I wash laundry weekly. My intent is to get the kids clothes separate from mine and my husband's. My oldest is 8, and she hangs up her clothes. She'll help me out by hanging up her sister's clothes, too. Unfortunately there are a lot of weeks that my husband is fishing through baskets at 4:30 in the morning while I pretend to sleep and feel guilty.

When I do hang up and fold clothes I wait until the kids are in bed, and I watch something not child appropriate as a reward for being a grown up.
@ava1453 We are basically the same: parents, 1.5yo and 3.5yo.

It’s one load a day if we’re just talking about clothes!! 4 outfits + 4 PJs. That’s insane. I love doing laundry but this is INSANE. Roll with it and go down to zero expectations.

My latest tactic is to wash/dry all loads Friday and, since I’m fried from being with the kids all week, hide upstairs for marathon folding + TV until everything is folded or it’s kiddos’ bedtime. Dad is cool with hanging with the kids while I do this.
@ava1453 Husband puts away his own clothes. I leave a pile on his side of the bed.

Kids clothes aren't folded. 3 Drawers for pj's and undies/tops/bottoms. One son hangs up his shirts.

Adults have 2 hampers lights/darks. I don't have to sort them since it's already done.

I start laundry before breakfast. Switch it before lunch. Then sort during quiet time.

I wish they all used their own hampers but typically they strip naked in the hallway before baths then it gets gathered up all together and thrown in whichever one is closest.

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