Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

@mrscott1026 I think you should let your kids go home alone but you can follow them so they don't know. They must be shure that they are alone. You can help they if something be wrong and after time you will be sure that all is good.

However, sooner or later you have to teach your children to do something without parents. It can make they more stronger in live. If parents always takes care about kids, in the future it can makes kids less independ
@mrscott1026 Children are not safe anywhere nowadays ,they could probably walk home no problem,but they only have to bump into trouble or a peado ,or a gang ,or a drunk driver one time and after that you can go and meet them as many times as you like it’ll be too late
@mrscott1026 If you live in the USA where every 40 seconds a kid get abducted, I would say you're too chill about it and you shouldn't.

I live in a relatively safe country yet I would never let my kid walk by herself until she's old and aware enough of her surroundings.
@theprayerpeople Stranger abduction is actually quite rare. Not saying people shouldn't do what they think is best regarding their own children, but the majority of abductions are by immediate family members, particularly noncustodial parents.

"Fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the United States per year between 2010–2017...

Only about 100 cases per year can be classified as abductions by strangers."
@theprayerpeople OFFS. Please give context to your statement. The number of kids abducted by strangers is so small it's statistically insignificant. Kids are are getting abducted are getting abducted by people they know, or because they - as teenagers - are being targeted online. Kids are not getting grabbed off the street walking .3 miles home from school at teh same time all of the other kids are coming home from school.
@mrscott1026 You came here to ask, says you have some doubt about how safe it is at this age. That’s your answer. You already know 😎💕👍

Holy crap I’ve never ever gotten downvoted 🧐
My point may have not come across clearly. I was trying to say to OP to trust yourself. And that it sounds like OP has some concerns and feels uncertain at this time. The point I wanted to make is for her to trust herself, she has the answer bc she is the expert on her kiddos.

I am so sorry if I offended anyone… I love that people ask for feedback and she’d received that… I was then trying to kinda boost her confidence to say, now you have some input and that plus your own knowledge of your kiddos will lead you to make the decision that is best for your family.


Good luck. Xoxo
@mrscott1026 It was the early 90s but I walked to school and home 1/2 mile each day starting in 1st grade. Most of the time my brother 2 years older was with me, but not always. Super rural area down a dead end street. I never had any problems but I was always somewhat nervous that I’d get kidnapped. So I guess I could make an argument either way! I used to babysit kids the same age as yours who would walk home about the same distance as yours too. Could you look out your window for some of the walk to make sure they’re on track?
@mrscott1026 Do all the kids at the school go home for lunch?

Depending on their maturity and how busy the neighborhood is, I’d probably start with a test run of meeting them at a halfway point.
@mrscott1026 I’d let my 9 year old walk if there was a safe place to cross the road. She doesn’t want to walk by herself though, even though some of her peers do. How do your kids feel about it?
@mrscott1026 I let mine walk together in 2nd and 4th so probably 8 & 10, but they had to cross a busy 4 lane road with a light but no crossing guard. I would let them take the lead on crossing the street while you're there and if that goes ok a couple times, then walk them to the street but let them cross on their own a few times before letting them do it. If it's likely 9 will ditch 7 or 7 will get mad at 9 and run ahead, I probably wouldn't.
@mrscott1026 Have them set a meeting place and then both walk home together... Sometimes parents just don't have a choice and just have to cringe letting their kids grow up. .. but make sure you strongly talk to them about staying together always and about stranger danger and what to do
@mrscott1026 I walked about that distance around the same time. Not sure my age but my brother was still in the same school so 7 and 10 respectively at most. And we weren't even walking home to our mom, she was at work and we hung out for an hour at home. I'm not some 70s kid who was allowed to run wild, either, this was abt 13-ish years ago? So yeah I see no problem with it.

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