Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

@ava1453 All of our laundry is separate. It inevitably mixes sometime, but when I fold it, I organize it by type so I can just shove it in the drawer without thinking. The longer it sits, it gets fucked up so I have incentive to do it right away
@ava1453 Honestly I cannot commit to an entire day of laundry so I do laundry throughout the week. Once there’s enough for a load I do a load. I also usually use cold water so I don’t worry too much about mixing colors. I try to leave out reds and blues though and do those on the weekend
@ava1453 If I don’t stay on top of laundry, it is so overwhelming so quick! I have an almost 4 year old and 18 month old. I try to do one load of laundry a day. Ideally, I load the washing machine the night before, then put the kids pajamas in after breakfast and start it. Then switch to dryer before lunch, then fold and put away before dinner. Because it’s smaller loads, it doesn’t take me as long to do.

I only separate clothes, towels, and bedding items. Bedding is every two weeks, towels is weekly, and clothes daily.

If I miss a day or two, then I get in my own head and procrastinate about it and let it turn into a giant laundry pile because I hate doing laundry.
@ava1453 I have (been diagnosed with) OCD so my routine might be stupidly complex.

I have a basket for every load plus 2 extra baskets, they are all the same size so they are stackable when empty and don’t take up too much space. 1 basket for sheets/towels, 1 for kid, 2 for us(one is dryer stuff and one is hang dry stuff), and 1 for extra towels/rags(we use rags instead of paper towels). So 7 baskets total, the empty 2 stay by the dryer. We are potty training so that’s why we have 2 towel baskets.

I have a white board that lists what day I’ll do what load. Ex: Monday our clothes, Tuesday hang dry clothes, Wednesday towels, Thursday kids clothes, Friday or Sunday towels/sheets as needed. If someone needs something(like kiddo needs pants) I’ll throw it into any load I do that day.

The 2 extra baskets are there for random surprise loads or when I dont feel like folding stuff. I have a space in our living room where I’ll put baskets of clean clothes and fold whenever the heck I have the time.
@ava1453 I only combine the kid’s clothes together. Plus throw in some towels wherever. So there’s way less sorting. I throw random kid clothing in the laundry room as I find it throughout the house. I also have a giant washer and dryer. I wash, fold and put away kid clothes during the day. Adult clothes I can put away after bedtime.

(I match and hang up my youngest outfit because it saves time on the front end plus reduces getting dressed tantrum’s. The pants are already matched to the shirts and basically everything is weather appropriate.).
@ava1453 I separate laundry by person and everybody has a day. Mondays are my laundry, Tuesdays for baby, Wednesdays for bath/hand/cleaning towels, Thursdays for toddler, Friday is sheets and bedding. Husband is on his own 😬 I start a load as soon as I get out of bed and put away when ever I find time that same day. It’s SO much easier to put away clean laundry when it is all going to the same room. I separate my own laundry by color and wash bath towels separately from kitchen and cleaning rags, but don’t sort by color for the kids.
@ava1453 Honestly it's my husband's chore 😂 at best I'll start loads for him but he does the putting away. But also we don't fold clothes. We separate them into laundry baskets based on person then separate them into the correct drawers and toss them in 😅
@ava1453 I notice the hamper is getting full so throw it in the wash, next time I walk by the laundry room I switch it to the dryer. Once dryer is done (and I remember) I toss all the clothes in a clean hamper and put in the bedroom. Then I take 10 minutes before bed to fold and put away.

I don't treat it as a chore or wait until laundry day, it's just incorporated into my regular routine as much as brushing my teeth or showering is.
@ava1453 My kids each have a laundry basket in their room and my husband and I have one on our room. I do our clothes and towels Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I usually have 1 large load, 1 medium load and 1 small load. I wash, dry and fold. My kids put away their own clothes. When it’s time to do sheets, I divide up the kids into kids sheets and adult sheets. Those get done on Tuesday and Thursday.
@ava1453 I have laundry hampers (dirty clothes basket, whatever you call them) in each bedroom. Folding is my least favourite and I refuse to sort out 4 people's clothing worth at a time. Husband & I share a basker but the kids each have their own. Kids laundry gets done when it's full-ish or they're complaining about missing a specific outfit, usually about once a week. Same with ours though I usually seperate the jeans out and do a load of those and a load of everything else.

Towels & sheets are done as needed.

Previously I folded clothing leisurely while watching tv but I have it down to a very short chore now and it's easier to get it done right away before the kids knock over the folded piles.

I also have 2 baskets for carrying the clothes up & down to the machines and try to time putting one load in washer with putting the other in the dryer.
@ava1453 I try to do a small load every day. It inevitably bottlenecks at folding, but by keeping the loads smaller and doing it daily, it never gets too overwhelming.

So, in the morning I gather a small basket. Put it in the wash. Go do whatever I’m doing. At some point midday I move it to the dryer and take out what’s in the dryer. That load gets set on the table until I get to it. Sometime before bed (sometimes the next morning) I fold the load, takes maybe 15-20 minutes? The clothes gets sorted while I fold, then placed back in the basket in stacks. When I get the chance I go put the stacks away. Sometimes the stacks sit in the basket until I need a new basket to start a load of laundry… (my washer and dryer are in different rooms so I assign a basket to each load while it’s being washed).

It’s not perfect, but it’s been working pretty well. I have an 8mo and a 3 year old. We’ll see how it goes as they get bigger and their laundry gets bigger. I try to involve my 3yo in the laundry, with mixed results. I’ve established that if he folds an item of laundry, I don’t refold it! Doesn’t matter what it looks like, goes straight in the drawer. I’ve also given up folding his socks and underwear, those go in the drawer as is. I don’t fold my husbands socks anymore either, if he wants them inside in he can do that.
Wanted to add that we have a hamper in every room. Even the living room, and the kitchen has a basket. If clothes comes off there is a hamper to put it in!
@ava1453 small washer and dryer, so a load might be two days of clothes for the three of us.

Load goes in in the morning, might run a second in the afternoon. Sort fresh from dryer. Put my clothes away, put husband’s on his bedside, put 4 yos in a bin. After dinner we play “laundry game” and 4 yo sorts his clothes into their bins. I do not fold his clothes.

Tbh eliminating the fold step and combining it with the put away step is a game changer
@ava1453 Honestly laundry is like the one thing I’m on top of. I start a load just about every morning, move it to the dryer when it’s done, and plop it on the couch. Here’s the trick- I put on something I want to watch and enjoy a little tv downtime while folding the laundry. After many years of this, laundry has successfully been paired with a preferred activity and thus, I look forward to laundry time. If there are multiple loads to catch up on, then we watch a movie and I’ll fold while the movie is on.

Adding- the kids are old enough to put theirs away after I fold it, aside from stuff that needs to be hung up. They know it needs to be done before any screen time. I leave my husband’s folded on the bed. There are probably better systems out there but this one works for me.
@ava1453 Fold the clothes as your separate them into baskets. Let the kids fold whatever towels you find in the loads, or socks, or even just their stuff. Also I don’t fold anything that won’t be seen or will easily unwrinkle, so like tshirts, tank tops, and pajamas don’t get folded.
@ava1453 Your kids are old enough to help. Give them tasks that are slightly challenging at first, but that they can practice and build on. At 2, your kiddo can practice folding washcloths. At 4, your kiddo can put their clean clothes into their drawers. My kids are 5 and 7, and I’ve been working with them since they were toddlers on laundry. Now they bring their own dirty laundry hamper downstairs, they sort their clean clothes, and they put their clothes away. Laundry still feels like a mountain, and there are plenty of meltdowns (even from me) along the way. But at least the burden is a ***Edited to fix a typo: little lighter now.
@ava1453 I do one load per day so that I stay on top of it. As soon as the kids go to bed, I take the one load and take it to the washer and have the washer on a delay until the morning so that the clothes don’t get stinky overnight. Then I transfer over that one load to the dryer first thing in the morning. I fold when both kids are awake in the afternoon, put the folded clothes back in a basket, and put things away whenever I get pockets of time.

Not a perfect system because sometimes I get lazy or busy and don’t feel like doing laundry that day, but it really sucks when I don’t follow the routine because it gets backed up fast! I think the most helpful things for me was to just do it at the same time every day so that I don’t forget to do it
@ava1453 Laundry is the only chore I'm good at and keep up with. I'm always amazed that people are overwhelmed by it. My mom modeled a good laundry routine when I was a kid so it felt right to establish one when I was an adult.

I do all the clothes and towels in one day. It's 4-5 loads in one day. I fold and put away clothes the same day. The towels sit in the laundry basket for a week. I make sure that we have enough that it's not a problem. The bed sheets get done a separate day. I put the bed sheets back on the beds the same day. We have guinea pigs so their bedding has to get washed on a third day, as well. That gets done in one day. Obviously, if something gets really dirty, I'll do a random small load during the week. Basically, I'm doing loads of laundry three days per week. That's what works for my family. I've known people who do a load of laundry every day to keep up with it.
@ava1453 Everyone has their own hamper and is responsible for getting their dirty clothes in it (even the 3 year old, with much reminding.) I also have 2 communal laundry baskets, one downstairs for kitchen laundry and things that get flung off like socks, and one upstairs for catch-all.

Monday- my clothes and "week 1, 2, 3, or 4" (see below)

Tuesday - husband's and youngest daughter's (their clothes are so dissimilar it's very easy to sort and fold.)

Wednesday - oldest daughter's

Thursday - Towels

Friday- Baby

Weekend - an extra load of whatever needs it

Week 1: Sheets
Week 2: Blankets
Week 3: Bathmats
Week 4: Kids Sheets

I fold at night. Monday is the heaviest day because we're mostly home so I can keep it moving. Sometimes the folding piles up, but Thursdays I keep all other chores to a minimum so I can catch up if needed.

It might seem complicated, but it keeps it from ever piling up on us too much. I find giving each person a day makes folding and putting away SO much easier. It also ensures dance leotards and soccer uniforms are clean when needed.