Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

@dan1988 Thinking of you today. I can only imagine how hard this must be. You did everything you can, and I hope you can continue to find support when it’s needed. Iris is a beautiful name ❤️
@dan1988 I am so sorry for your loss.

Her name is beautiful and she is so special that she made strangers cry.
I will keep your family and angel in my thoughts.
@dan1988 Sending prayers and good vibes your way. I haven’t had a lost this server but I do understand the loss by miscarriage. May you find peace and comfort during this time❤️❤️
@dan1988 I’m so incredibly sorry to hear this. I cannot imagine the pain. Your baby girl will always be looking over you and know how much her mama loved her. Take all the time you need to process and be kind to yourself. Big hugs