C section aftercare: a warning

@kellygok I'm bracing for my 4th and final c-section and reading this reminds me of the pain!! It wasn't as painful as just really uncomfortable. I agree 100% with remembering to take your mess, unless you want every step to feel like your insides are falling out. I walked hunched over for a couple of days to not stretch the incision and ended up with awful back and shoulder pain. What have I done you guys, why am I doing this for a 4th time??!! 😂
@kellygok And when the doctor says "don't life anything heavier than your own baby for the first 6-10 weeks", dont take that as a light suggestion and then go and help your partner lift a 45kg cot into a trailer and carry it up the driveway 3 weeks postpartum
@kellygok Couldn't agree more!! I'm a big rule follower and dr told me to take Tylenol every 8 hours and mortin every 6 hours so as soon as we got home from the hospital, I set alarms on my phone for each dose I needed to take. My pain tolerance is pretty low so I did NOT want to miss a dosage. (4 weeks post op)
@kellygok Im 28 weeks and not sure if I'll be doing c sec or vaginal yet. We'll see! But for all you that have had a csec, my dermatologist told me years ago one of the best scar repair methods is silicone tape/silicone patches. A brand new is scar away. It works super well!

Also, what dosage of ibuprofen/tylenol are you on? Like RX grade?
@kellygok I can not fathom how you do it. I had an abdominoplasty to repair my diastassis when my youngest was 10 months old, and it took a solid month to recover. I can not fathom tending to a newborn after a surgery like that.