C section aftercare: a warning

@kellygok My thing is, I'm a recovering addict (14 months clean!) so I've sworn off all narcotic pain meds. I would love to know if there are other moms who have done the same and took only otc pain meds after a c-section? Just out of curiosity in the event that I have one.
@cat333 In my case the oxycodone was a last resort and not a scheduled medication. I wouldn’t have needed it if I had kept up with the tylenol/ibuprofen regiment. So it may be possible to survive without the narcotic as long as a strict schedule with the otc stuff is followed.

Congratulations on 14 months! That is no small thing and you are doing an excellent job. 💛
@kellygok Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I went through hell to get here and to put myself in a position where I could finally have a baby. Life is amazing now. 🦭

Hopefully I won't need a c-section but it's always good to think ahead. Thanks 💚