Help me pull the trigger: Wildbird Aerial | Sakura Bloom Scout | LennyLight | Tula Lite

@rane Ooh nice i hadn’t seen this brand before. I don’t see why more carriers don’t offer the X + H option…

Silk sounds amazing but out of my budget. Just noticed the SB 20% off sale ends today, eek!
@tomhanch I did go for the Scout in the end, There was a 20% off sale and I think they had free shipping to Hawaii (which can make a big difference when you live here). It was such a good deal, I know if it doesn’t work I can get back what I paid for it on the 2nd hand market.

And I think the link you posted is for the bluff color, which for some reason costs more than the Thyme color I ordered.
@tomhanch Hey! It is because they do limited release drops so the oftentimes will sell out of carriers and they dissapear off the site.

My guess is that when you looked you either saw one of the cheapest ones they have that just so happened to go out of stock or you managed to check during their sample sale and saw those prices. The same sale usually sells out in minutes but the one they did at the beginning of the year was in stock for a few days.

Check out Sakura Bloom BST + Chit Chat for the best prices
@dominga I really recommend FB BST groups. You can get secondhand Scouts for $150 and now with the economy tanking you can get them cheaper.

I personally have loved the Sakura Scouts but have really been wanting to try to Aerial. As a woman who is 5'3, I am just too short for the waistband on the Tula carriers.

Also yeah, the bst price for the aerial is nuts, just buy it new they have it in stock rn.

Check out Sakura Bloom BST + Chit Chat