Adoptive baby book? (T.W. Mama loss)

@bruin I have promptly journals for all my kids, and it looks like they have an adoption journal. You can see one page of adoption related questions in the preview. I'm not sure if all the prompts would work for your situation, but might be worth looking into? I think you could also use one of their original pregnancy/childhood journals and fill in the pregnancy pages with things you want to record about his birth mother and the pregnancy, and each age section also has the blank "special moments/memories" part that you could use to talk about his birth mother as well?
@bruin You really have defined it. You were a part of his life with his birth Mom so just be honest. Then tell of the honor and privilege you feel and the beauty 8f fulfilling his Moms wishes. Since she couldn't be there she chose you to carry on and bless this child. This is so beautiful.
@bruin This is so hard - I am thankful this child has someone in his life that wants to both honor his mama and also be a stand in for her

I would start the book as a story about her… how you met, what you know about her life and family, what she liked or silly stories about her. Then go into how she found out she was pregnant and how excited she was - how much she loved him before he was born and about her pregnancy

Then how she found out she was sick - and because she loved him so much so wanted him to live with her friend because she knew you would take good care of him after she couldn’t. Don’t shy away from being open about how much you miss her and how much you loved her. As he grows include notes about how she would have been proud or would have laughed.

This is going to be hard - but absolutely invaluable to him when he’s older. I’m somewhat suspect that she chose you because she knew you would honor her and keep her alive for him. The fact that you show in this question concern for making sure he feels fully loved and included is a huge indicator that she made the best choice

I agree with others that Etsy might be a good choice - but I work with a lady who belongs to several scrapbooking groups and I suspect if you search for Facebook or Reddit groups around scrapbooking you will find what you need at a fraction of the price if not free