Too Much Protein?


New member
How worried should I be about consuming too much protein when pregnant? I am in my early second trimester, have been moderately active-ish since morning sickness/fatigue kicked in (4x strength training per week (45 min/session), 3x pilates (20-45 min/session), 2x cardio (45 min/session), at least 10k steps per day not counting any cardio steps), and am constantly hungry. Pre-pregnancy, when my strength training sessions were longer and higher volume, I aimed for 100-130 g/protein per day (a bit less than 1 g/lb bodyweight - was 135 lb pre-pregnancy and am still about the same, surprisingly). While my OB/GYN was not concerned about my high protein diet, everything I’ve read states 100 g protein per day as the upper bound in pregnancy. I’ve been trying hard to observe that, but it is so hard for me to feel full without some protein in every meal/snack (and I currently need a ton of snacks, as my nausea has only gotten worse going into second trimester). Anyone have any advice for cutting back on protein in pregnancy without being constantly ravenously hungry, or thoughts on if it is necessary? I do not consume protein shakes or bars - it just adds up over the day from nuts/nut butter, eggs, chicken breast, whole grain carbs, Greek yogurt, cheese sticks, edamame, etc.
@cherrykot You might be interested in checking out Real Food For pregnancy. The book has the most up to date research on diet for pregnancy. A lot of medical advice about diet during pregnancy is either outdated or just plain not well researched because you can’t do good studies with pregnant women. (Wouldn’t want to knowingly put half the women in a group that receives something inadequate or bad for the baby.) In fact, a lot of the time when it’s not recommended to have a certain thing (like maybe a particular brand of allergy medicine— I switched back to Claritin because they weren’t sure about Zyrtec) it’s simply because there is no research either way.
@cherrykot I read something about how the amount of protein women need while pregnant has been underestimated. You are prob good. I definitely eat at least 100g per day. I’m doing protein smoothies in my 3rd trimester, not really for the protein as much as it is how I’m consuming dates and don’t want to drink just a fruit smoothie.
@cherrykot I have never heard of this until now, and I've already given birth. I looked it up online, and while I found some stuff saying high protein diets aren't good for fetal growth, more modern research doesn't find negative effects of high protein intake. You can check this source, for example:
I wouldn't go against medical advice, but if your OB isn't worried and you're not doing anything extreme, I think you should be fine. If your body is telling you you need fuel, it's important to honour that.
@cherrykot Just reading the literature a bit and I think the 100g “upper bound” is actually the upper bound of what one might need to be properly nourished during pregnancy, not a safe max consumption. The sources referencing that number seem to want to emphasize just how much you need to nourish a growing human.

So keep doing what you’re doing!! You’re golden!
@cherrykot I eat 120-150g a day and I’m only 115lbs. It’s fine. Baby has grown fine, I’m at the end of my third trimester. The way bigger concern would be too little protein. You can Google vegans placentas — they look very unhealthy.
@katrina2017 I think you’ve misunderstood, being vegan doesn’t mean eating small amounts of protein. Also, carnivore clickbait isn’t really an indicator of health.
@katrina2017 Not evidence based, seems stupid to base your opinion on something that’s not correct. You can both get all your protein, and have a healthy pregnancy and life with a vegan diet.
@cherrykot Damn, and here I am still barely able to look at meat at 22 weeks... Not to mention not being able to eat anything at all or move the whole first trimester 🥲
@yiska7 FairLife Protein shakes (fortified with/D, calcium, etc) was my solution to this. They just bumped the price to $31~ish/pack of 18 @ costco for the chocolate ones.
@cherrykot I'm curious why you think you are getting too much protein. I would talk to a registered dietitian and maybe also to your OB. If you are hungry, it sounds like it might be what you need. Also, a pregnant woman who works out is going to need more than a pregnant woman who does not workout.