am i running too much to conceive?

@namtipab i’ve only been using ovulation test strips. my cycles are so long though so it sucks! but we may be going to trying IUI in the next couple months if still no luck since my fertility dr recommended it after he does some tests
@sahabds I was running pretty heavily for several months as my husband and I were trying to conceive. I eventually got my period back after going off birth control, but my cycles were super long and irregular during this time. I was a healthy weight, great eater, great sleeper, and in general took good care of my body. I had to back off a bit on training following my spring marathon while recovering from an injury, and we got pregnant right away after I stepped away from the high volume and intensity training. Obviously this is just antidotal evidence, but I have to wonder if the training I was doing was preventing us from conceiving, considering how quickly it happened after months of trying before I backed off.
@sahabds Overexercising and anemia are symptoms of anorexia, often - are you seeing anyone about the disorder?

Overexercising and anemia, and being underweight in the past with a disrupted period, also affect your ability to conceive.

See a doctor and get bloodwork done. Too much iron from unnecessary supplementation can be dangerous
@sahabds Trying to conceived takes a year on average, make sure you start prenatals, take iron and because you are a vergetarian make sure you get b12 also. In terms of running maybe you can slow down a bit or substitutie with some walking here and there. The important thing is to feel good about yourself and to not try to worry too much ( I know, it's hard). But I speak from experience, it took me a year and a cycle of ivf to then fall pregnant naturally when I took a pause for a month because I was going on holidays. Give it time and just take care of yourself.