Seeking advice: Dating as a coparenting single mom, in a complicated relationship

@lightspeed2slow Are you and your kids living with this man after 8 months of dating? Seems a little quick, but that’s up to you.

I would not expect someone I was dating to change their life for my kids (waking up earlier for them), I would also not accept anyone getting drunk around my kids and or being inappropriate.

Why are you with this guy if his drinking is impacting your kids?
@lightspeed2slow Run, don't walk. You're better off without him. A lot of people here saying it's not his responsibility to care for your kids or change his old habits. Well, if he is not willing to show a little effort to contribute to the relationship which is supporting you and your kids, he's not the one. I can't imagine in a longer run. You don't need another man child.
@shutupandrock94 This is also a good time to leave and hopefully the oldest kid won’t remember him much. It just doesn’t sound like a good situation at all. Definitely not so soon. And definitely not with someone who has so many red flags already.
@lightspeed2slow I find it naive to expect that your boyfriend could change. Guys with bachelor lifestyle and drinking problem (especially if he is not in his twenties anymore) don't change. They are the most comfortable being who they are... Even if he would change most likely it is not gonna last.