Seeking advice about having 3 kids in daycare!

@chillcwill I carried both infant bucket seats in, one in each hand. At least they were contained. When they walked, it was more about ushering them like a shepherd and making sure they didn’t run in the street!!
@chillcwill How much is leftover from your combined salaries? Is it doable for 9 months?

I would think that less than a year off work is Not a big deal, but, if it would be difficult to get back into the workforce immediately then it's not worth doing it IMO. Really depends on what would set you back more and decide from there.
@katrina2017 Yeah I ran the numbers and we would just reduce our contributions to savings by a lot and should still be able to maintain a similar life style.

lol to whoever downvoted this. We have a 6 month fully funded emergency fund and we wouldn’t touch 401k contributions. We currently save 20% of our net pay. We’d be fine to reduce our savings rate.
@chillcwill Having 3 in daycare is $$ but logistically fine because it's still just one drop off/ pick up. Then you hit kindergarten and it's cheaper but logistics get much harder.
@buck1hunter Good point. Might be easier to make the adjustment while all 3 are going to one place. Luckily both my husband and I have very flexible jobs so I think we’ll be able to make daycare and school drop offs work ok.
I know some people say compare the cost against both salaries but that doesn’t make sense to me as only one of us (me) would stay home.

It's because you are both working, so you both need childcare, hence it should go against both salaries. If you stay at home, you should take into account your missed earnings, then your missed earnings potential, missed contributions to retirement, social security etc. and that even assumes your labour is free.

With that said, a year of work is not a big deal, most folks take a year off work after they have a baby where I live. What does your husband think about having a third and the timing?

For what it's worth, I don't think a kid becoming school aged makes it miraculously easier. It's one more location for drop off and pick up (instead of one location for all) and then before and after care to figure out.
@chillcwill Is there any potential you can wait it out to avoid those 8-9 months of all 3 in daycare? It's just a few months, and trust me, with 3 kids having the extra money to outsource cleaning, laundry, hire an extra set of hands for the kids, self care, etc. becomes almost necessary. There is just no time. My 3 kids are 6 years, 2 years, 6 months and in my honest opinion, if you space it out, it will be easier to manage, and not just financially.
@junobet We already outsource cleaning and will be able to maintain that with 3 kids in daycare. That’s the best money I spend each month, hands down. I can definitely wait and space it out a little more, I’m just eager to feel like my family is complete. My job offers a lot of flexibility which allows me a lot of time for me time and household management. Honestly would probably be more difficult to get that stuff accomplished as a sahm!
@jcox64 I had this thought as well, idk the going rate for a nanny but I think it would be close. My husband wfh though and doesnt have a private office and I think he still wouldn’t love removing our oldest from his routine.
@chillcwill I’m the only one I know with 3 in daycare. At one point for a few months we were paying for 4. 6yo, 4yo and 2yo twins. I take home about $200 a month, but I have a very flexible job and it’s worth it for my sanity. The morning routine is all on me as well. I can tell you it’s fucking HARD (although easier now) but I think that has to be mostly the fact that I had 2 babies at once with the toddlers. Definitely can be done and I love that all of my kids are close in age!
@thelatebloomer I have a very flexible job as well, I rarely work 40 hours a week and can occasionally wfh. I could definitely adjust my schedule to be home to help my husband if needed for a few months. I can’t imagine jumping from 2 kids to 4 kids 😬
@chillcwill This was the scenario hubs and I faced when we learned i was pregnant with #2. Either a baby sitter or daycare was going to cost roughly the same as my monthly salary. Working to essentially be sending my kids to a carer of either variety was not worth it. So work let me flip my schedule around. I went from days to nights. I saved about $700 a week in daycare and got to keep my job.

Bonus! I dont get flak for calling out of work because kiddo got sick in school and needed to be sent home. I'm home during the day, doing the cleaning and cooking and caring for #2. I get to spend time off with my kids, take them to drs and dentists and I'm not rolling around in a panic trying to not get fired because kid #1 brought home her Nth cold in 2 months. And i get to play chaperone on field trips without having to take the day off! Hubs comes home i leave for work. Win win!
@sherlockpwns My me time is in the wee hours when I'm home from work. About 1230-2am. and on weekends my husband lets me sleep in on his day off.

I actually get pretty good sleep if i go straight to bed by 1am. During school it's sleep until 7am as the kiddo #1 hates mornings as much as i do, but we live 4 houses from her school so it's literally a 5 minute walk.

I'm currently up right now trying to break kiddo #1s fever. And because ive got no work during the day i can just chill out and take a nap when hubs gets home as hes got an early week thanks to the holidays(8hrs instead of his normal 10)

Hubs gets up in 30 minutes. I'll make sure 1s fever is broke and head to bed myself. If it gets too rough and I'm too tired i can call my dad to take #2 while 1 and i take a big nap. I work weirdly well on very little sleep. 4 hours is my limit though. Can only sustain that for a month before I'm queen B With an itch.
@chillcwill I’d say try for a gap year SAHM. Your oldest may have a good routine now, but who knows… could have an even better routine with you and siblings home. I don’t think you’d regret it, especially if you think you can enter back into the workforce in a similar position if you wanted to. Either way, good luck OP. All will work out.