Q+A Part 1: The Basics


New member
This is the first Q+A to the "Let's get to know eachother" series!

If everyone loves this, I will continue doing these :)

If you have any question suggestions, feel free to inbox them to me and i'll feature them in a post!

The Basics
  1. How old are you and your SO?
  2. How long have you and SO been together? What is your relationship status and do you plan to change your status before TTC?
  3. What do you and SO do for a living currently?
  4. What are your career plans before and after TTC?
  5. Where do you live and what are your living arrangements like? Do you plan on moving?
  6. What's your cultural backgrounds? Any cultural traditions you plan on passing down to your LO's?
  7. What's your religious backgrounds? Do you plan on raising your kids with the same views?
If you do not wish to answer a question, simply skip it!

I also want to thank /@witness1 for the help with creating this post! You're awesome!
  1. I'm 36, DH is 33. I think I'm one of the oldest on this sub...
  2. We dated in college, separeted for 10 years, and got back together 5 years ago, in our early thirties. We considere ourselves married, even if we are not. We are together for life.
  3. I'm an administrative assistant to the dean of a University and a part time student, and a national level athlete, DH is a team manager in a governmental organisation
  4. No change in sight. I will be gratuating in 2021 with a degree in accountings.
  5. We own a small house in a small town, somewhere in Northern Canada. No plan on moving.
  6. We are French Canadians but bilingual (French and English) and very middle-class. No tradition.
  7. We are very very atheist. Any religion is welcome as long as it's inclusive and respectuous. We believe strongly in sex equality, personal autonomy and try to be respectful of other people's beliefs, even if they aren't ours.
(I suddenly feel really boring. I swear I'm not.)
@joslyn04 OMG I know. I am honestly a little self-conscious about my age, like I missed the babymaking boat. And I have all those usual worries about how conceiving will go. So it’s nice to have some company in this age range.
@anonymouspractioner I'm a bit concerned too, but also very happy about where I am in my life, relationship and career wise. I come from a family of older mothers who all had perfect babies so I try to confort myself with that.
@joslyn04 Oh, exactly. I am so happy with my life so far and all the experiences I’ve had. And now I have a great career and I’m with a great person and we are pretty financially stable and all that. So, overall, I think the issues that may come up with older motherhood are totally worth it for me. Because I wouldn’t give up anything I’ve already done in my life, and I’m in such a good place to do this now.
@bernard222 Hey!
  1. I'm definitely one of the older ladies here, I'm 36, my husband is 38, we're waiting to try for #2. We have a 2 year old daughter. We struggled with fertility problems with conceiving our daughter, but we still have to wait a bit for the cost of childcare.
  2. We've been married for 10 years, together for 16! No status changes planned there.
  3. I'm a high school teacher, my husband is a librarian.
  4. We've both been at our jobs for more than 10 years, no plans for that to change.
  5. We live in NJ, own our house in a nice town and in a nice neighborhood.
  6. We're of European descent, with me having Polish heritage and we celebrate some Polish traditions.
  7. We both were raised Catholic, and are not very religious, but will still be a Catholic family.
Hey everyone, nice to meet you all. I really like how on this sub, I can relate to so many things you guys feel! Have no idea how to format on mobile!
@lissieee I teach high school history and my husband is a public librarian. With the university that we both went to we had get masters degrees in order to get our respective certificates.
@bernard222 Great idea!

1.) I am 25 and my SO is 28
2.) We've been together 5 years. We are currently engaged. We're getting married in July. We won't be TTC until sometime after that point.
3.) We both work in finance. I am business analysis for data processes and she is a Financial Advisor
4.) I think we're both going to continue to work. But that could change
5.) We live in a nice (expensive) area. We rent bc we could never afford a home here. We plan on moving to a more affordable area when buying a house in the next 2 years and closer to her parents. So about a 30 min move.
6.) We don't have much influence from our culture. I'm Italian, Irish and Eastern European. She's French, Irish and Swiss. They're not very prominent in our lives tho so we probably won't have any cultural traditions. I imagine we'll make traditions.
7.) We talk a lot about religion. Neither of us were raised in a specific way but my grandma was Protestant. We have a lot of accepting and open churches in our area and we would like to expose our children to the community. We'll have to do our research and find an appropriate place for a two-mom family
1.I'm 24 and FH is 25.
  1. We've been together for 8 years and just recently got engaged 2 weeks ago. We do not plan on being married before TTC. Starting a family was more important to us than being married.
  2. I do tech support and he does reception/bartending/room setups at a non-profit community center.
4.We have no current career plans, we're content with our pay and schedules thus far. Eventually I might want to go back to school.
  1. We live in Canada. We actually just moved into my in-laws basement that we renovated into our 2k sq ft, 3 bedroom apartment. We do not plan on moving for several years.
  2. I'm white,French, Canadian. He's half black and Canadian. No cultural traditions come to mind, just the typical Canadian holidays. Non-culture related tradition: FH goes on a week long fishing trip up north with the men in the family and can one day take LO. We just plan on educating our children about their background/heritage.
  3. I went to a catholic school and was raised catholic, however we did not practice outside of school. Neither of us are religious and will allow our children to be educated on all their religious options and leave the option to them.
Edit: giant mess i posted lol oops
@bernard222 1) Were both 27
2) married for a year, together for 4 years total. Not planning on changing the status...unless there’s extra-married? 😂
3)hubs: engineer, self: computer technician
4) hubs to have a more structured schedule, me to be at or near the top of my positions pay grade.
5) we live in Texas in a house, but we plan on buying land and building bigger
6) hubs is a country born and raised Texan.I’ve floated around south Florida all my life until we met. I plan on instilling his groundedness with a little of by broader openness.
7) I’m religious, he’s not. Planning on LO’s accompanying me to church until they decide they want to continue or not continue to go anymore.

Nice to meet everyone!