"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

@robert777 Omg and also the whole nursing or bouncing the baby to sleep is bad sleep Association. Oh fck that. If bub needs sleep, they need sleep. I'll take my chances and do what I need to get the pterodactyl to sleep. I swear they have an inner mechanism that KNOWS when your about to close your eyes for a nap, and they open their eyes.
@robert777 Definitely garbage advice for the first few months at minimum. It's just straight up impossible when they are that little. My son is 13 months old, and we started having success with it maybe around 4 months old or so, but there were still some tears. We basically stumbled into sleep training when we thought he went down fast asleep, so we sat down to dinner 30 seconds later, and his eyes popped open and he started crying. We were exhausted and starving and just decided to wolf down dinner before going back in, but he miraculously was asleep by the time we went in. The sleepy but awake thing is useful, but absolutely garbage in the early days, and it is so easy to get caught up in "forming good sleep habits" when you should just be in survival mode. That other stuff can come later, and you will not be ruining your chances at having a good sleeper later if you do all the nursing to sleep and rocking until they are limp while they are tiny
@uniquetexasgirl Same here! I have to wait for slow, evenly spaced breaths, and no movement for at least 15 minutes. If I move him from myself to his swaddle and he doesn't budge, it's a pretty good indication I'll get at least 1 hour of continuous sleep. On the other hand, if he moves while I'm putting him in the swaddle it can be anywhere from .5 seconds to 3.5 hours with no indication of which one I'll get.
@robert777 I see that I’m in the minority but I’ve actually been able to successfully put out 8 weeks old baby down tired but awake a lot of times and it’s really nice whenever he just falls asleep on his own because I don’t have to spend 15 minutes holding him upright after he falls asleep on the boob and then play the will the baby wake up once I put him down in his bassinet game because well , he’s already down. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t and he needs a little rocking or walking around the room. But man I really enjoy the naps where I can just lay him down tired enough for him to fall asleep on his own and then go do my tasks. It’s usually after a learning session of black and white visual cards and some tummy time.
@robert777 Reading this as I'm currently feeding and rocking my 6 month old to sleep. The way I see it, I'm not gonna be able to do this for much longer so I need to get in these sweet baby cuddles when I can. Plus she's teething and is super clingy right now.
@robert777 Drowsy but awake worked really well for us. At first it only worked like one percent of the time, but with consistency it really does help form the habit of going to sleep themselves.
@robert777 Sorry for the stupid question, but can someone please explain this “drowsy but awake” thing?? I’m expecting in January and I legit don’t understand what it means... I know I have more reading to do before baby arrives but I don’t understand that phrase. Don’t you just put baby “down” maybe when they are showing cues of tiredness? Or maybe after they fell asleep after eating?

Please don’t laugh at my questions lol but I see this phrase a lot and I’m like... wtf does that mean