"Pregnancy scares"

@le4069 That definitely counts as a real scare! But false positives are so rare that I would honestly wonder if it was a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). Was it a blue dye test or pink?
@mark58 It was pink I think. It wasn't a miscarriage, they said it was just a false positive. It was just my TSH levels going nuts. And now it's at a good level, so no false positives anymore.
@mark58 Thank you. It's a bit of a pet peeve when people brag about never having had a pregnancy scare or to a lesser extent worry about it. Pregnancy scares mean absolutely nothing beyond "I thought I might be pregnant but I was not", it's not an indication of fertility, it does not mean you were any closer to being pregnant, it's just that you happened to have had a late period.
@mark58 I got a false positive(as far as I know) when I had a bad UTI. I was terrified because I had only been with SO for a month and neither of us were financially stable. Nothing ever came if it in the next 3 tests I took but I was so stressed. A couple of days later I passed a big clot and I had to wonder if I had had an early miscarriage? Like is that even how it works? I asked my doctor about it and she said not to worry, but does that mean don’t worry because it’s too stressful to think that yes, I lost a pregnancy, or that the body just does weird things sometimes. Anyone have any input?
Honestly, if I’d had a miscarriage I’d rather have the doctor be straight with me so I could adjust my birth control, preventing future occurrences.
@mvillemom It's possible it was an early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. False positives are pretty rare. Were the subsequent tests days later? Were you using a BC method at the time?
@mark58 I have an iud, I’d had it for a solid couple years by that point too. The 3 tests I took in the next week were negative, I went and bought name brand because i though it would be reliable too.
@mark58 I don’t understand the link between ‘pregnancy scare’ and fertility. A scare means you’re not pregnant but worried you might be for a while. Therefore, someone who had a pregnancy scare could have exactly the same fertility as someone who didn’t as neither one got pregnant!

An accidental pregnancy might make more sense as at least then you know you could get pregnant. Even then, fertility changes and other factors could come into play, so you still wouldn’t know for sure that it could happen again.

I definitely do worry about fertility, but I try not to let past experiences add to that paranoia!
@mark58 I used to just have the implant in my arm and we wouldn't use a condom but then I would convince myself every month that I was pregnant so now we still use condoms. Thank god my husband is a patient man.

So I had four or five "pregnancy scares" when my rational side knew there was basically no chance that I was actually pregnant lol