Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

@1shizueallen1 Wow. Incredibly presumptuous of her to feed him without asking you. The audacity of people. Not to mention the connection between benadryl and early onset dementia would definitely lead me to being overly cautious.
@1shizueallen1 My daughter also has an egg allergy. Thank goodness it's just a "natural" egg allergy (she can still eat it in baked goods) but I swear to all that is holy I would rain hellfire down upon ANYBODY who tried to feed my child off their plate without my express permission. Everyone in my family had to learn about the signs of allergic reaction, how to use an epi pen, my stepmom is a nurse therefore she already knows cpr and I'm certified, it's terrifying just knowing my child has an allergy, let alone someone purposefully feeding her said allergy. That's insanity.
@1shizueallen1 I don’t think anyone should feed any baby off their plate without explicit permission every time. My daughter was under a year when a friend of my moms had to watch her while I was away and they decided to feed her off their plate because “she didn’t want to eat from her own plate”
Well immediately after she got the flu, and they tried to blame her for giving it to him. When he also said he just got the flu shot and always gets the flu after the flu shot (it’s a personal thing not everyone gets the flu after their shot but this dude does every year) and she hasn’t been outside of our tiny circle. I’m still salty about it and she’s 6. It was really dangerous with her so young and regardless of getting her sick, you don’t share food off of your plate to someone else’s child!