Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

@1shizueallen1 I'd be livid if this happened to my child, who also has severe food allergies. You didn't overreact, especially since these exposures can worsen their symptoms the next time a real accident happens.

They probably just saw it as a lil bit of hives. They didn't need to watch over him and worry about the potential vomit or diarrhea that comes next. They also didn't need to watch your child sleep off his Benadryl hangover.

If I saw what was going on, I'd be setting everyone straight on your behalf while you got to focus on the little one.
@1shizueallen1 I have never in my life fed a strangers baby and I would never, THAT is rude as fuck. Who in their right mind thinks "gee I will give this random baby I don't know some food from my plate without even asking their parents." Fuck right off!
@1shizueallen1 Allergies aside, that's just gross! No one is feeding my baby with food off of their half-eaten plate with their dirty spoon. Amidst COVID and flu season. I would have had the same reaction. Gross!!!!!!!
@1shizueallen1 Wow dude that woman was SOOO over the line. You shouldnt do anything with a stranger's baby let alone feed them!!

Why can't people sit back and make silly faces and just enjoy a baby from a distance?
@1shizueallen1 Not only is that gross but it’s just wrong, like it’s not your baby, not your blood relative, and you didn’t ask! What if his reaction had been so bad that he died?! Then she’d feel even worse.
@1shizueallen1 When it comes to the safety of your kid with allergies I personally believe it is hard to overreact (unless violence is the response). Who cares if the woman didn't know?? 1) Not her damn kid 2) She could have jeopardized his safety 3) It is stressful AF to evaluate the severity of the allergic reaction when the person can't tell you my mouth feels funny/ my tummy hurts/ everything itches etc.
And if your kid has eczema it can complicate telling what is flushing/minor irritation and the reactions can cause the kid to be miserable for days!
Ugh I'm raging on your behalf.

As a mom to a kid with peanut allergy I am so sorry that happened to y'all! I am glad your son is ok, and hopefully that woman learned her damn lesson.
@1shizueallen1 Not overreacting at all. My kiddo is allergic to nuts and cats as far as I can tell. We haven't done an allergy test yet but until then I'm playing it safe. Now even though his reaction is mild, as in he gets itchy red hives, I still prefer not to deal with the hassle. Well, my neighbor, who loves to bake and is usually conscientious about giving us things without nuts, decides to give us almond cookies. We got them before and I didn't let my kiddo have any that time. But this second time around I simply said to my kiddo, sorry these are not for you because you are allergic and I'll give you something else later. My neighbor starts to tell me that nobody is allergic to almonds and the cookies are safe because he used an extract and that kiddo had them the other time. I corrected him and said I didn't give any to my kiddo last time and neighbor CONTINUES to tell me that it's ok and that no one is allergic to almonds. My husband Googles the info and says he's kinda right but it depends on the extract whether it natural or synthetic and we don't know what our neighbor used so it's iffy. I also Google that YES, people do have almond allergies so I'm not gonna risk it.

If you are not going to be the one responsible for a kid having an adverse allergic reaction, like giving them medicine and other medical care, them don't presume to know what my kid can or cannot eat.

Next time a person insists I'll just tell them to foot the hospital bill.
@promethius7 I'd honestly be done with that neighbor food wise. They are likely to put almonds in something and not tell you now to prove a point since they were so adamant about it.

If almonds didn't cause allergies that would be allowed in schools as a peanut butter substitute instead of the sunflower one.
@laila28 My neighbor is honestly a wonderful person most of the time. This was just one incident and I thought it was strange since he doesn't normally behave like this. A lot of the goodies he gives us are nut-free.
@1shizueallen1 Pissed off right there with you. Who the fu$@ feeds someone else’s kid without asking?! I can’t believe someone got mad at you too for being upset. So sorry. They are both complete idiots. I hope your little guy is feeling better.
@1shizueallen1 My son has FPIES, before we found out we were prescribed an epipen and still have to carry it around just in case. FPIES makes him puke a ton a short while later and other digestion problems. Since he’s got so many bad reactions we’re seeing the allergist again soon.

Your story made me gasp out loud (husband actually looked over at me).

I’m furious on your behalf. Who the F feeds someone else’s kid? If you don’t have permission, don’t do it!
@1shizueallen1 My kid has zero allergies and I’d still flip if someone fed them from their plate. Like others said I don’t feed people’s pets either without making sure something is okay first!
@1shizueallen1 I'd lose my shit too! You did good mama protect you baby! Strangers don't know what your kids food allergies are. So they should ask before shoving food in a babies mouth! Smdh. I hope you little is okay now ❤️