@zina200045 As a dad, I can count on one hand the number of times I spanked my kids. I'm no snowflake, but looking back if I had to do it over again I wouldn't have. I was/am a parent, I love my kids with all my heart, I hate to think of all people in this world that I was the one to introduce any type of physical violence to them. Yeah it was a tap on the arse but I had and used much better methods of discipline at my disposal. It was still physical violence. Doesn't matter what level it was on.

As a parent I think I did pretty good but I'm far from perfect. I let my kids know at a very young age (as soon as I felt they were able to understand) that I was an imperfect person, most everything I did was out of love for them but I'd still make mistakes and I wouldn't always be right even if I said or believed I was. It was up to them to think for themselves at a young age. Maybe I lost some power/ authority/ fear/ respect by letting them know that but it was the truth. My kids knowing they were truly loved was more important than blind respect, I didn't want my kids to interact primarily out of fear with me and they didn't.

I guess since I truly cared there's always going to be regrets, I have a few but I've admitted (and apologized) when I thought it was appropriate....

Growing up, my family dynamics were sometimes a lot different than my kids had. As parents I think a lot of us look at the job our parents did and try to improve upon it.
@zina200045 I would tell myself it's ok to be uncomfortable. That's when you're growing.

When I was younger I was socially awkward, I was really quiet because I felt that people are always judging me so I didn't want to do or say anything that'll make me look stupid/bad. I would also tell myself don't be too self-absorbed with my image and just live life and enjoy others.