Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

@1shizueallen1 Not over reacting stew could have killed him. I’ve worked in pediatrics and one of the saddest deaths we had was an 8 year old who are something at a wedding that was supposed to be safe and she left her epipen back at her table :( but she took a bite at the buffet line.
@1shizueallen1 You did not overreact. Some women don’t know or have forgotten how fragile babies can be. I would have flipped. Lots of moms would have turned tables over. F that lady and the lady that told you you were being rude. Also, we’re still in a pandemic… Keep your stranger fingers TF away from a baby?! I don’t understand people.

Glad he is okay though
@1shizueallen1 You didn’t over react at all. A stranger gave your child food and that food very well could have hurt your child worse than it did if you didn’t catch it in time. Just because egg is a less common allergy doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be treated with the same severity as any other. I’m allergic to cherries and people seem to over look that things can be artificial and naturally flavored. I love cherry flavor and they’ll tell me it’s artificial and next thing I know my mouth is numb and breathing has become difficult.
@1shizueallen1 Shit like this is why I am 100% helicopter parenting while my baby is unable to be independent. Not to blame you, OP. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to hover and you left your baby with people you should be able to trust.

It's not even an overreaction if your baby doesn't have those known allergies, in my opinion. Maybe you have a certain plan for introducing allergens? Maybe you have a certain diet you're okay with at this stage and you want to supervise how your child reacts to new things.

Hell, maybe you just don't trust that someone won't cut the food up properly and they could choke! "She didn't know!" - no, she didn't, which is why she shouldn't have been putting food anywhere near someone else's child. Not just child. Baby.
@1shizueallen1 NOT overreacting !!! From now on, bring a sign to hang on the highchair that says DON'T GIVE FOOD TO BABY - SEVERE ALLERGIES. As I'm sure you know, allergies typically worsen with exposure, so it's imperative to make sure no other idiot/asshole does this again. I can't believe you have to use a sign like that, and you shouldn't have to, but people are dumb and here we are. Best of luck, hope babe is feeling better!
@1shizueallen1 My toddler and infant have no food allergies, and if someone other than me or my husband used their fork to take food off of their own plate and put it into my kids' mouths DURING A PANDEMIC, I'd be pissed. I don't care who you are or what you didn't know! I don't let their vaccinated grandparents share food with them either!

Add on top of that a severe/anaphylactic allergy?! Are you kidding me? Definitely not overreacting.
@image Outside of the pandemic that's really gross. If I don't share food with you from your fork, don't do it to my kid. I'm pregnant and nauseous now
@iada Yeah I mean, certainly a stranger should never do it. And I agree I'd be grossed out regardless if someone did that. I definitely freaked out at a couple people who tried to touch my son's face pre-pandemic. (In stores and stuff. So weird)

To be honest, I used to let grandparents give my toddler a bite of food if he asked to try something, though. But definitely not anymore. And probably never again.
@1shizueallen1 Overreacting is a good why to remind people to mind their fucking business and don’t try it again. Eggs are in the top 8, why would you give any baby that if you haven’t cleared that with the parents? Or food at all! Hello stranger danger much?