Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

@1shizueallen1 I would crazy angry. That’s so gross and stupid to do. I would never feed someone else’s kid without their express permission. That’s crazy. I’m so sorry that happened. I hope the lady learned her lesson.

I’m making the assumption these were boomer ladies….leave to boomers to put being “rude” above the health and safety of a child 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@1shizueallen1 Health issues aside. I can't stand people coming near my baby (normally or post covid) so why the heck would you feed a child you don't know?? I don't even give my friends kids food without asking if its OK with them first. WTF.
@1shizueallen1 I would have flipped out even if my child was not allergic to anything. My FIL gave my son (11m) some peanut butter today and then my MIL I swear was going to kill him. She was like YOU CAN'T GIVE THE BABY PEANUT BUTTER WITHOUT ASKING HIS MOM WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU and granted my son does not have a PB allergy and has had it 1000 times but like I feel like it is normal to NOT give babies food without asking the parent. I mean let alone a stranger?! You did not overreact!
@1shizueallen1 Rude?!?wtf

“How does she not know that feeding a child she doesn’t know off of her plate is not only not socially acceptable but extremely dangerous and can, like in this case, cause a baby physical harm. ”

She legit just put your child in harms way and made him feel physical pain to appease her fee fees and ego.

Does this honestly need to be said
@1shizueallen1 I expected this to be about family feeding the baby and wondered if it might be an over protective mom thing just from the title... but what you're describing it outrageous. You never give a kid food without permission. Even if there aren't any allergies involved. You can't know that, kid could choke, it could ruin a dinner plan, whatever. Not your kid/your family, simply ask if it's something you really want or feel the need to do. It's not that hard to just be a decent person.
@1shizueallen1 You were not being rude. That lady stepped way out of line feeding your baby. They don’t know you nor any of his health information and that is not an excuse because what she did was gross and weird. I’m glad you flipped out and hopefully put her in her place.

It’s courtesy and common sense to ask. Like when I make cookies for the neighbors I ask if anyone in the house hold has allergies so I can avoid certain things if need be. It’s not that hard.
@1shizueallen1 I have a human like yours and they’re now a toddler and I still face the, “wE/ ThEy DiDnT KnOoOoOoW!”
My favorite response is, “well if you don’t know the human well enough to know, why do it in the first place?”
Why not ask? Aren’t you the generation that forced us to ask for damn near everything? Your rules apply to you.
@1shizueallen1 Jeez my parents know what i like to feed my bubs and even then they always ask and check thats its okay before i do. I cant imagine how this lady had the audacity to feed your child!
@1shizueallen1 Not over reacting at all! At least ask the parent(s) before giving any food to a child, even if you KNOW the child doesn't have allergies, it's just polite!

My LO (2yo) has allergies to egg and cashew and we are starting to teach him about not sharing food from other people's plates. Causes lots of tantrums when we don't give him food from our plates at home but we won't be there forever and he needs to know that it's not safe for him! You are just keeping your child safe. Good for you!!
@1shizueallen1 As someone who just had to give my 14 month old a shot of epipen yesterday, including a visit from firefighters / EMTs, and a trip to the ER for the second time in 4 months on two different allergies.. you did not overreact at all! Gave me anxiety just reading your post- I am so sorry that happened to you and your little one
@1shizueallen1 As an allergy mom myself, you did not overreact. My daughter is 5 and I’ve had to teach her to tell people about her food allergy so she can now ask if something has her allergen. At your baby’s age you’re their advocate and if they are severe allergies, game over I’m screaming at anyone trying to feed my kid without my permission.
@1shizueallen1 Wow, I'm glad your son is okay! You did not overreact at all, that lady needed to be told explicitly that what she did was wrong and dangerous. I had a similar incident at a family gathering where a cousin started feeling my son (he was like 6 months old) from her plate. She did not bother to ask if he was eating solids yet or if he had allergies (he thankfully does not) but it really bothered me and felt very disrespectful. This was my husband's family so I did not feel comfortable confronting the person, though in retrospect I should have.
@1shizueallen1 Older women are the most entitled and naive group of any demographic, being simultaneously distant from reality and ready to enforce their imbecile views onto it at any moment and time...
@copwife13 I think you're describing narcissism, which doesn't discriminate on age or gender, but I know what you mean.

I wish all my mistakes were considered, "well intentioned" and history got rewritten if I didn't like how I came across.

There's a lack of ownership and when people like this travel in pods, it gets scary because they bend reality together, making you question yours. Case and point, OP thinking she overreacted.
@1shizueallen1 Ugh! And I hate when people try to give my kid a drink from the same straw… my friend was puzzled when I told her to quit giving my kid her Frappuccino from the same straw her nasty mouth had just slobbered all over.