Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

@1shizueallen1 Hahaha imagine poisoning a baby and then having the mother freak out (as she should) and then having the nerve to freak out at her. Sorry that happened OP. I would also be afraid of spreading covid/flu/whatever else is going around.
@knowonecanknow Whenever young children and babies ask me for food, I always tell them that I don't know the rules for their food. I've done it since my oldest was small and we'd go to story time with some Goldfish. My youngest is 13 months and has a peanut allergy. I would fistfight any stranger giving him food.
@1shizueallen1 My kids don't even have allergies (that we know of anyway) and I would still lose my shit. Hell, I almost lost my shit because my Nan was trying to spoon-feed my toddler yesterday just because she's 2 and perfectly capable of feeding herself!
@childojesus No kidding. Like, hello germs!? A number of people in my family get cold sores AKA herpes and those people wouldn't even consider sharing utensils or food with a baby, but you don't know how cautious strangers are or aren't.
@1shizueallen1 Telling someone not to give your baby something isn't rude. Feeding someone else's baby without asking is fucking rude. It's also dangerous as you don't know if that baby has allergies and sensitivities, which was the case here.

It would literally never even cross my mind to give someone else's baby food from my plate, especially without asking.

You were in the right.
@glen45 Likely not. The type of person that does this kind of thing rarely considers their actions after the fact, and usually thinks they were in the right. But the older (and more pregnant and hormonal) I get, the more of a cynic I become lol
@1shizueallen1 You know, with a lot of these stories, I tend to think that the person telling them is overreacting. However, I genuinely cannot fathom why you would feed someone else's baby egg yolk from your plate. Especially not without asking. Especially not a STRANGER'S baby. That's so unbelievably weird. Obviously, there was no way for her to know that your baby had food allergies, so she wasn't actively trying to make your baby have an allergic reaction. So there's no malice there. But there's still an extreme lack of respect for basic boundaries. That is so weird and wrong, and I'm sorry that happened to you.
@katrina2017 But that’s exactly the point - not malice, not intended harm. But if you are not close enough to know if the baby is allergic (or even if they like! Or if the parents want them to eat that for some reason or another!) to a food, you are definitely not close enough to feed anything to a baby.

What goes through some people’s brains is incredible. A baby is not a cute prop that you get to play with and do what you want with. It’s not public property.