@zina200045 TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH! Do not neglect your teeth and gums. Excellent oral hygiene goes a long way in keeping your body healthy. Not to mention how expensive dental work is.
I've see so many people decline this way.
@zina200045 Travel as much as possible.

Advocate and stand up for yourself, there won't always be someone who has your back.

Drink plenty of water.

Don't forget a towel.
@zina200045 That in #4, it's not about going against the grain. It's about ignoring it and instead approach your life with reason.

Sorry, but #5 is wrong. Service isn't directly related to happiness. Slaves aren't happy. Nuns quit. Happiness is a difference between some form of suffering and some form of relief. Happiness is then defined by the low point, the difference in time and suffering between the low and the relief, and the greatness of the relief.

Charitable acts only bring joy to good people and not much even then. Not unless you work at it, and then, it's succeeding after struggling that defines your share of happiness.

I will add to the list, if you like. Technology. It's going to be vital to know how to interact and even fix the machines and software of the future. Make sure to stay current with what is possible.
@zina200045 Everyone can benefit from therapy

Learn critical thinking skills, don't take ANYTHING for granted

People who bully and make fun of others are usually the most insecure
@zina200045 Begin with an end in mind. It doesn’t have to be the standard Covey THE end, you can deviate, but also have a plan.

In practice this means don’t go to college undecided or let yourself fall into things.

Said another way, you happen to life, life doesn’t happen to you.
@zina200045 Some variation of "you don't owe the world "pretty"" or "pretty isn't a price you pay to live in this world"


"You don't always have to be nice"

I have a daughter too, and if she goes through even half of what I did growing up, it'll be too much. I want to try to raise her strong and confident, and hopefully arm her better against societal pressures and sh*ty men than I was.
@zina200045 Health is wealth. Taking care of your health will pay dividends down the line. All of us don't start at the same baseline level but we should all manage our health asa much as we can.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone spent $XXXXX on a health problem (especially dental fees)! or even how much it pays dividends in quality of life later on.
@zina200045 Never make a decision when you are desperate, sad/depressed, or overly happy. These will always be the decisions you will regret. Take the time to let emotions calm, and think about the choice you have to make. and use logic and reason to determine your choice, not emotion.
@zina200045 Learn "language type skills" before 10 years of age.

(Mathematics is a language, Music is a language and Athleticism is a language. Just like it is very hard to learn a language when old, these "language type" skills are also very hard to get into once old)