@zina200045 All make sense but I will slightly scrutinize point No. 5. Service to others is vague in this respect, and it's important for humans to also tend to their own needs. I get a lot of satisfaction from things I accomplish on my own, too.

If a person is not happy with one's self, they aren't able to provide support for others. It's interchangeable imo
  1. Take care of your body, you only get one
  2. Stay flexible AND strong
  3. You have your whole life to get strong, rushing it will only lead to injury with potentially permanent consequences
  4. Stay away from excessive alcohol usage. This will ruin everything, from your gut microbiome, to your relationships with other people, with potentially irreversible consequences
  5. Be nice
  6. Happiness is the greatest wealth of all
Edit to add:
  1. The proverb: The axe forgets, but the tree remembers. I so wish someone had told me this and I had really understood it when I was younger...
@zina200045 Love begets love. Be friends with people who value you and date people who treat you the way you want to be treated. Don’t accept anything less. There is no difference between the $2 bottle of water at a vending machine and the same $6 bottle at an airport except for location. Surround yourself with people who value you and treasure them. The love you accept into your life is the quality of love you are able to give.
@zina200045 For "cream rises to the top", we also have to remember that such doesn't happen when the milk is constantly being stirred. It needs to be relatively calm for that to happen.

Same to a degree in life. You can be the absolutely best at your job, but if the employer environment is a turbulent mess, your efforts can easily get lost in the mess and shuffle of day to day operations.

You may be the cream of the crop and that cream can rise to the top, but the conditions have to support that. If the conditions do not, sometimes you need to change the conditions. It does not mean stop being the cream though.
@ahilla This sounds like some great reflection that I could have written myself.

Right out of college I killed myself 50-60 hours a week at a Tech startup that folded within a Year.

Yes, I learned tons from the experience but the older me wouldn't have accepted the job or seen the incompetence earlier.
@zina200045 Invest early and often.

Learn a trade.

Get outside, be active, do fun stuff (I did this, and will be telling my son to do this)

If you ever need help, you call dad. No questions asked. I don’t care what you’ve done or what trouble you’re in, I will be there for you.
@zina200045 While money isn’t everything, you can’t let it be the only thing.

Basically, there’s point where you’re so broke that money, and the lack there of rules your entire existence.
@zina200045 Do not wait until you think you have all the skills you need to start a journey. The journey will show you the skills you need; trust yourself to be capable enough to learn them when you need to.

Similarly, if you want to be a Something, the first step on that road is being a bad Something. Only from there can you become a good Something. The sooner you're a bad Something, the sooner you can become a good Something.
@zina200045 From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep each and every day, you are being watched and judged…

Not by santa or god or the government or anyone else, but by yourself - in time.

You at the end will judge you now, and no one will be harsher

Do the right thing.