@daniel108 My cousin and I were the same age (almost like twins) and she was so beautiful... everyone rememberd us that she is beautiful and I am not, bUt aT LeASt yOu'Re SmArT.
Well, I stopped caring about my appearance at all - there is no way that I could ever be beautiful next to her. Retrospectively I know that was the best outcome it could have for me, considering that I could have cared tooo much about it.
It helped me in my career, but when I look at photos of myself I get sad that I never saw that I was a beautiful young woman. Walked around in black shirts and jeans, never wearing dresses or learning how to dress (I still struggle with that one). However, it fucked up my cousin even more. She had ED, was always sad that she is dumb and struggled with her career.
Please don't compare girls (and probably also boys) like that. It hurts them, even if it's a "compliment".