One and Done after Adoption

@colleensa Thank you for sharing your experiences with infertility and the foster care system. I'm so glad you've found happiness and contentment with your family of three, even if it isn't what you'd planned on originally. I also had to grieve the family I thought I would have when we went through infertility, and now I feel like I'm working through some of that again as I'm getting used to the idea of being one and done. I'm starting to see that our family of three will be good and beautiful, even though it will be different than what I'd pictured.
@spaghettimonsterschef Saving this for every time someone says “what about adoption?”

Had one baby before my diagnosis (that makes pregnancy dangerous). I’ve since had my tubes tied and grieved any more babies.

You and your husband are very strong for making it through the adoption process.

In terms of what to say to outsiders who ask, consider: “the adoption journey isn’t something we could go through again, but we are so fortunate to have Z [and he is our focus]”.
@martinyjoice Yes, people like to throw around adoption like it's a simple, straightforward way to add to your family, but it really isn't. It can be beautiful, but it's also heartbreaking for everyone involved, even when things go "right." You are strong for choosing the family size that's best for you and the rest of your family. And I really like your suggestion for how to respond to others, thanks!
@spaghettimonsterschef I just found this sub and this hit very close to home. We have started sharing that we are OAD now that our daughter is one. People that are close to us have been very understanding, but they saw the struggles we went through with infertility and the adoption. We have the perfect little family now and are grateful every day for everything we went through to get here.