“Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

@trandraskell I would never let a stranger watch my kid. I wouldn’t let a stranger hold my kid either. I haven’t been put in the position but I’m positive regardless of how awkward I felt in the moment I would say no thank you and try to remove myself from the situation as quickly as possible.
@dan3752001 I am not a confrontational person but I can’t imagine responding to a stranger’s request to hold my baby with anything less than, “hell no; wtf is wrong with you?!”
@trandraskell She was right to be sketched out and say no. There is no way I would’ve even let the lady hold my kid in the first place (no shade I just personally don’t fuck with randos), let alone have a total stranger watch them while I went into my appointment.

The lady’s defensive reaction is also a huge red flag. What a weirdo.
@kolox That was my thought too lmao like I feel she was MORE than generous enough not laughing at the holding request but yeah a weird interaction for sure, gave me the ick hearing about it.
@trandraskell Also like, what was that lady going to do if she got called in for her own appointment? Take the kid with her and make the mother wait for it to finish? Pass him off on someone else? Go interrupt J’s appointment to return him?
@trandraskell I was at a street festival during the summer and some random woman started touching my toddler’s hair and complimenting his curls. That weirded me out enough that I told her to stop and backed away. I would never let a stranger HOLD my baby. Not even for a second.
@thestvn It's unreal how some people have no boundaries when it comes to children. Children are little people, would this woman randomly stroke an adult person's hair?!
@trandraskell I had to let a stranger watch my baby while I got a vaginal ultrasound. My doctor sent me in for emergency ultrasound as I had started bleeding heavily 6 weeks pp (it was my period, but my doctor was concerned that something was wrong so sent me for imaging + blood tests). Here I am, 6 weeks pp w a newborn, crying in an office, because they’re refusing to do urgent testing because I have my baby with me + my husband can’t leave work + a stranger offered to sit with my baby. It was uncomfortable and I wouldn’t do it again if I had a choice.
@vanquy3009 I put mine down on a blanket when I needed an ultrasound for postpartum bleeding. Why TF they let me hold my baby when stitching me up in the hospital, but somehow I can't have him on my chest for an ultrasound . . . .
@joanfiz This! I tried to give my literally minute old baby to my husband while they were stitching me up as I felt lightheaded, faint, and completely unwell and they insisted I hold onto her.

Edited to add I had the same ultrasound done for the same reason and left my little on in her stroller. I’m fully aware that’s not an option for all and some offices don’t have the space for it.
@funieface Yeah I was really taken aback + I was livid. There was more than enough space in the room for my baby to sit in her stroller. They just said no minors at all.
@trandraskell Absolutely not. The reaction is a big red flag to me. I'm pretty easy going and I truly think that most people are inherently good, but it's just not a risk I would take with my baby. This seems like a very cut and dry common sense thing to me.
@trandraskell Nope. I see cute babies all the time. I’ll either wave or smile at it. I never think let me ask this stranger if they’ll let me hold or touch their baby. That is weird AF. I don’t allow strangers to touch my kids either.
@trandraskell It’s so funny to see all these comments saying they wouldn’t let a stranger hold their baby, (which i 100% agree with) when just a couple months ago hundreds of people were shaming a mom for not trusting a stranger who owned the restaurant she was dining at to take her baby for a “stroll” while mom ate.

I would never let a stranger hold or keep my baby out of my sight.
@novum123 OKAY! So this is why I posted. I brought that up to J and was like “So my instinct is you were super right, can’t be too careful BUT…” and I explained that post and the general reaction to her.” We both agreed we also wouldn’t really want to leave our baby with someone who worked somewhere but it would be less creepy than some stranger, still we were curious if people thought we were over reacting like they did that lady.