My intuition told me a man was a pervert. He was sentenced to 10 years for child porn

@cnewton65 Exactly this ! Reddit is so bipolar, advocating for trusting our intuition but everytime we see a Karen trusting her intuition it's hate against dads or something.

By all means let's be careful as dads and accumulate evidence, but let's not jump the gun and destroy each other's reputation if we have a one-off staring at nothing with our beers lost in our thoughts and it turns out there was a kid in the staring way (or a woman, or anything that might draw prejudice from someone).
@carolyng Glad he got caught. Though, I wouldn’t say your intuition told you when you SAW him, probably with intent in his eyes, leering at your son. I sure hope the kids in town weren’t victimized. Good on you for calling that mom too.
@tjsant Don't forget about people who struggle with pedophilic thoughts but don't want to act on them, they deserve access to resources to help them overcome their mental Illness
@tjsant Chemical castration only works as long as you’re taking the drugs. Nobody is forcing pills down peoples’ throats or monitoring them taking them usually. It’s not a solution, and it’s reversible.

Also, sexual predators don’t always need physical gratification, so honestly the way to stop the horrors of preying on children is to physically remove them from society.

From what I hear, throwing them in federal prison and leaking their crime is pretty effective.
@jacques8989 I just can't advocate for prison violence under any circumstance. Why are we asking inmates to do what our Justice system should be doing. We're going to celebrate their actions in one breath and charge them with murder the next?

Don't get me wrong, I'm for rehabilitation and I don't advocate for punitive Justice. But you can't fix pedophiles and I think it's one of the rare cases where a death penalty serves the greater good.
@abazur Yea the thing about mobs is they kill innocent people. I wouldnt want to be accused of being a pedo just for revenge... oh wait, I have! That was a scary time and why I hate it when people talk about being so badass about killing people on rumor alone.
@bigblue50 I'm sorry that happened to you. To be clear though I'm not saying we should kill people on rumour alone.

Questions around burden of proof are related to due process. I'm speaking categorically about pedophiles where their guilt is absolutely certain.
@abazur I’m shifting the topic I know, but capital punishment doesn’t deter. I’ll look up rehabilitation success rates and maybe that’s a better route.
@jacques8989 Agreed, capital punishment is not an effective deterrent. I'm not advocating for pedophiles to receive the death penalty because I think it will deter other pedophiles. I don't think you can deter them. They're wired wrong, it's their nature.

Similarly I'm not convinced you can rehabilitate them. I just don't see how any amount of therapy, prayer, or changes in circumstance will alleviate these people of their base sexual desires. And those base sexual desires are harmful and at odds with the greater good of our society. For those reasons they should be permanently removed. I'm open to indefinite solitary confinement but I feel the humane option with all things considered is capital punishment.

Though I know the Justice system isn't perfect and some people sentenced to death have been found innocent after the fact, so I'm open to other ideas... but because of the harm they cause, the risk too great to allow them to ever re-enter society.
@abazur Yea the thing about mobs is they kill innocent people. I wouldnt want to be accused of being a pedo just for revenge... oh wait, I have! That was a scary time and why I hate it when people talk about being so badass about killing people on rumor alone.
@tjsant We’ve all seen how capital punishment doesn’t deter anything. So it is damn difficult to find a solution without a victim. It’s hard as a parents to not want personal retribution prior to handing over to the authorities.