My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

@keepitsimple144 I have legit forgotten my own birthdate lots of times. The first time I remember doing that was when I was 13 and cute guy at school was putting my name down for something. But even in normal situations I have forgotten my husband and my birthdates. It happens
@keepitsimple144 My dad and I talked three times on my 21st birthday. I eventually got a call at 10 pm at night:

"so um, you're probably out getting drinks since you're officially 21. I'm sorry I forgot until now. But happy birthday!!"

At least my mother reminded him and he made the midnight deadline!
@keepitsimple144 If he’s so horrible with dates he can figure out how to help himself instead of just assuming his wife will always be there to pick up the slack.

He can put it in a note in his phone or better yet utilize the emergency card feature of his phone to put his son’s birthday in. Especially if he were ever alone with his son and there was an emergency, it would be Right there
@keepitsimple144 Our first kid’s birthday is on a set holiday, so thankfully that makes that one easy. Almost too easy because I’m sure my husband knows the month of our second, but not the date.

Both kids have dates similar to each other so I always pause when I’m asked for birthdates. I thought I was being smart about it (since I had C-section I picked their dates), but it’s super confusing.
@keepitsimple144 I got my daughter's birthday wrong at the pharmacy last week. For example, say it's 3/11/22, I said 3/22/11. Took me a bit to figure out why they couldn't find the prescription. Hopefully he *does* actually know the birthday, and just had a brain fart?
@keepitsimple144 My husband is horrible with dates. We had a visa interview and he could not remember the year we got married. Or the date our youngest was born (which are two days in a row, just different years)
@keepitsimple144 I mix up my own birth year sometimes. When I have to write my sons, I have to think for a long while. And I only have the 1 child, so it’s not like I have a lot to pick through. Some people just really aren’t great with dates. Don’t even bother asking what year I got married because there’s like a 3% chance I’m getting that right.
@keepitsimple144 The first time I filed my taxes for myself/not as a dependent, they were rejected because my birthday was not what the IRS had on file… because my dad had been filing and putting my wrong birthday for years.

Amazing, involved father. Not one for birthdays. Little brother doesn’t know hardly anyone’s birthday. Husband is hit and miss on getting them correct. They all have ADHD. I don’t take it as a personal affront or sign they’re uninvolved in the least… but do wish they’d all take advantage of calendar reminders.
@keepitsimple144 I’m the one bad with dates. I even second guess myself on our daughter’s birth year or our wedding anniversary. It’s not just men that do this. Yes these are the most important dates of my life, I get the day and month right but the year gets fuzzy sometimes so yeah I have to do the math. People like us don’t try to be this way, and it’s not a sign of lack in care or love, it’s just a weird deficiency not so easy to fix.
@keepitsimple144 I have three children and I sometimes mix up their birthdays. My husband has to stop and think to remember our kid's birthdays. My own father used to think my birthday was on the 28th when I'm born on the 29th. It happens.
@keepitsimple144 My husband who is severely adhd and probably borderline autistic- he knows the birthdays of everyone in our family (like including his friends and extended family)- BUT if you ask him randomly or put him on the spot his brain freezes and he won’t be able to immediately answer.

Also sometimes with our oldest I pause with the year because it was 2020 and outside of his birth I try to forget the rest of it.