My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

@keepitsimple144 Is he autistic? My husband is autistic and will never be able to remember our kids birthdays. We’ve been together for a decade and he still doesn’t even know which month my birthday is in, let alone day or year. Birthdays are literally so important to me, but I just remind him all the time so he doesn’t miss anything. Your story made me wonder if your husband perhaps has a different brain type too.
@keepitsimple144 Some people blank when they are filling out forms. I do this.

I wouldn't hold this against your husband if he is otherwise an attentive father.

Honestly, your response is really over the top and unnecessary. He's probably embarrassed enough as it is.
@keepitsimple144 My dad has literally texted me on the WRONG DAY!

I’m not defending because it’s ridiculous he can’t figure this out but I do think it’s common for the parent who doesn’t do all the appointments to forget, acceptable or not. I sometimes have to pause and make sure I get it right.
@keepitsimple144 My 5 year old was born in January and I still have to think about whether his birth year is 2018 or 2019. I think if it’s end/beginning of the year it can be tricky to remember if you’re not great with numbers anyway (me). Personally I don’t think it’s that deep.
@keepitsimple144 My dad forgets mine all the time. It’s really ok. Just remind him to put it in his calendar. All that matters is that he celebrates it on the day, some people truly are just bad with dates.
@keepitsimple144 We met a family at a park and our two babies had the exact same birth date down to the year. My husband said, “Oh wow! So your baby was born….[proceeds to say wrong month and wrong date].” And this was literally maybe two months after she was born. The couple looked horrified. I have to give my husband little hints for all of our bdays (mine is Christmas in July). He also thought I was born the same year as him but I’m actually a year and a half younger. He didn’t know for an embarrassingly long time!