My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

I do have to pause on the date for my son’s birthday because it’s 5 days off from mine, and his year is my date.

Similar situation for me. My kids' birthdates are inverses of each other (the day for one is the year for the other, and vice versa. And they're one month apart which adds to the confusion). It always gives me pause and I feel like the worst mom for forgetting.
@kumari5050 We joke that there’s always some sort of national disaster the year my kids were born. I have a November 2016 (Zika and election year) and a July 2020 (fucking Covid lockdown started the day I was 20+0 weeks).

Then I had a December 2023 due date and we basically held our breath the entire 9 months. Nothing disastrous happened. I have no idea if I’ll forget her birth year or not, but maybe it’ll be better ultimately than being remembered as the dumpster fire year (poor middle kid).
@keepitsimple144 One time thirty years ago, my dad came home with a mega millions lotto ticket and said he picked all of our birthdays. I looked at it and said “Dad, where’s mine?” He was off by a day. I laughed but was a bit miffed, like I’m his only biological daughter, how could he forget? But whatever, he’s an amazing dad and I’m blessed to have him. I just thought it was funny. How can you forget your own child’s birthday?

Then my husband couldn’t remember our son’s birthday and it was like history repeating itself. I was amazed, I was aghast.

Then my husband messing up our son’s birthday messed up my confidence in his birth date. I have to think really hard about it each time now, to remember which is the real one, and which is the one we always forget and think it is. So karma is a bitch, basically. I could totally forget my own son’s birthdate and have definitely messed it up on forms more than once.
@keepitsimple144 Oh I’m bad with this one. My daughter was born on the same day as me and I originally thought it was cute until I’m at the doctors office saying she was born in 1994.
@eon2 My son and I share the same day too! And I have to pause when I say the date. And if the 25 lands on a Monday for my birthday my son’s birthday also lands on a Monday.
@eon2 my son and i only share the same month but i’ll stare straight at a receptionist and repeat out my birthday when they ask for his💀it’s just a habit to repeat the numbers that follow what you usually say
@keepitsimple144 Some people suck with dates.

My dad doesn't remember mine or my sisters half the time or know how to spell my son's name (there's like 4 or 5 different ways of spelling it).

My husband doesn't know our son's birth year sometimes or what day our anniversary falls on.

I don't hold it against them. They are great people and are great at other things.
@keepitsimple144 I mix up my kids’ birth dates and birth years all the time - particularly when they ask at the doctor’s office. I can’t remember the year we got married either. And this year I thought I was a year older than I really am. So what? I’m really good at other things and no one cares that this isn’t my strength.
@kywy I always give the peds office the wrong kids birthday. They were born a month and a day apart. They always ask, “wanna try that again”. Oh well
@kywy My husband has made so many jokes about how people think it's quirky that I, the wife, struggle to remember the year we were married when he would get labeled a stereotypical clueless guy if he were the one who forgot all the time. Glad to know I'm not alone.
@dryerfire I know mine too. I draw a blank sometimes though. It’s the way my brain works. The way OP described her partner’s blank expression is the way I’d look in the moment if I had to recall a date while distracted, overstimulated, or intensely focused on something else.
@kywy My husbands birthday is 8/28/91 and my brothers is 8/21 but im constantly thinking husbands is 21 cause all the 8s and 1s get jumbled up in my brain

Seriously just awful with dates
@kywy Same. I have to log into a kiosk for my kids, and I legit get their years mixed up or confused. It takes me a few seconds of staring to figure out what's wrong some days. I know their ages (usually- if they haven't had a birthday recently) and sometimes have to do the math.

I am so bad with dates. Facebook reminds me of many of the important days. I am blessed my husband was born on a holiday..
@kywy Both my husband and I forgot our anniversary last year LOL I had to text him later in the day happy anniversary! We’re humans and forget. Dates aren’t our strong suit! He even thought that Mother’s Day/Father’s Day/ thanksgiving, etc. were the same date every year. He didn’t question that Mother’s Day was on a random Thursday, he just went with it! All this to say, we try and get it wrong, but will celebrate it somehow!
@kywy My birthday is in December and almost every time the calendar flips I immediately jump in my head that I’m a year older.

I’m actually 29 but in my head I’m already 30.
@keepitsimple144 Honestly I have to think very hard about what year my daughter was born, and she’s not even 2. She was born December 2022 but my brain often goes “she’s a little over a year old, it’s currently 2024, therefore she was born in 2023”. I also second guess the year I met my husband, when we were married, etc despite being an extremely detail oriented person otherwise. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal personally